Administration du serveur > Item Fields > Creating Fields
Creating Fields
Windchill RV&S is installed with a set of default fields, and you can also create custom fields to suit your work process. Default fields cannot be deleted.
When creating custom fields used in item types, custom indexes may need to be created for your database. Contact your Database Administrator (DBA) for assistance.
You can create the following types of fields.
Field Type
For including attachments, such as design documents.
You can create relevance and editability rules on attachment fields; however, you cannot include attachment fields in the definition of a rule.
Incoming External Reference
Used to indicate that a requirement has a trace relationship to an object in a product lifecycle management (PLM) system. This option is only valid when enabled by functionality to create traces between Windchill RV&S and a PLM system.
For simple, countable items, such as call tracking numbers.
Item Backed Picklist (IBPL)
For displaying values from one or more items in a picklist.
Field Value Attribute (FVA)
For sharing field information from a linked item.
Specifies items that should display in a drop-down list (picklist), such as predefined product codes. You can also choose an option that allows users to select multiple picklist values.
Once you use a picklist value, that value cannot be used again, even if you delete the pick field that is associated with it. Similarly, you cannot change the picklist value once you have set it.
Floating Point
For numbers with decimals, such as performance data.
For Boolean items (ones that are either true or false), such as whether an item has been tested. Optionally, you can customize how true or false values display. For example, the logical field can display yes or no values.
For dates, such as when a defect was fixed. Optionally, you can include the time.
Short Text
For miscellaneous information, such as a comment field. You can define suggestions to appear in this field.
Long Text
For miscellaneous information. You can display information in this field in rows.
For users that display in a drop-down list, such as users in a specific group.
For groups that display in a drop-down list, such as groups assigned to a specific project.
Relationship fields enable you to link one item to another.
Trace Relationship Fields
Trace relationship fields enable you to create trace relationships between two items in the document model.
For categorizing groups of states in a workflow.
Query Backed Relationship
For displaying a large number of related items in a read-only relationships field, based on a query. For example, the Features field in a Project item could display all the Feature items that are returned by the Release_5_Features query.
For categorizing numeric value ranges in an associated numeric field (integer or floating point).
SI Project
For displaying a related configuration management project, optionally including a checkpoint revision or development path.
Source Link
For tracking the source files that are affected by the item. By default, creates a source link field that can contain a source link.
If Trace is enabled, then the field contains a source trace (see “Source Link Fields: Values Tab”).
For example, you could use a source link field with trace enabled on a requirement item to track the changes made in order to satisfy that requirement. Viewing the source traces for a requirement helps you analyze the impact of changing that requirement.
Whether or not a source link can contain a source link or a source trace is determined at the time the field is created, and cannot be modified later.
An item can have more that one source link field, for example a test case could have traces to the source code that is covered by the test and links to the test scripts that implement the test case.
For more information on using source links and source traces, see the User documentation.
Relationship Fields
Item Backed Picklist Fields (IBPL)
Field Value Attribute Fields (FVA)
Phase Fields
Range Fields
SI Project Fields
Incoming External Reference (IER) Fields
Additional Field Options
Specifying Default Columns
Setting Field Relevance
To define field relevance in the GUI
Setting Field Editability
Setting Field Rules
Setting Field Description
Using Parameters and Parameter Values Fields
Using Custom Fields and Custom Field Values