In Windchill RV&S, a type represents a category of items that share a specific development cycle or workflow. Individual types are required whenever an independent workflow is needed.
As part of creating a customized workflow, type permissions allow you to control more precisely which users can work with an item according to the type the item is associated with. Type permissions allow you to create a unique set of permissions for a specified type, allowing the membership of the group to change based on the value of the type identifier.
When you create a new type, visibility is allowed to the everyone group by default (that is, all users can see the new type). You can later restrict visibility as required.
When creating a type in Windchill RV&S, you can also designate users or groups as Windchill RV&S type administrators for that type.
In a software development environment, a request for a new software feature may follow one workflow, while work to fix a defect may follow a different workflow. In such a scenario, the administrator creates two distinct types: Feature Request and Defect.
Key Considerations
• Individual types are required whenever an independent workflow is needed.
• In order to create new or delete existing types, the applicable users or groups must be granted the CreateType permission. Windchill RV&S server administrators (administrators with the Admin permission are granted this permission automatically).
• Type permissions allow you to create a unique set of permissions for a specified type.
• The Windchill RV&S administrator can designate users or groups as Windchill RV&S type administrators for a given type.
• Type properties are used to define solution-specific ViewSets that licenses are required for.
Requirements management and test management utilize specific document item types that control the behavior of documents and promote reuse and versioning. To learn about document types, including how to manage and create them, see
“Setting Up Documents”.