To assign administrators to change package types
1. From the Edit Change Package Type dialog box, display the Administrators tab.
2. To query for one or more users or groups using a text search, type a name in the Show Principals containing text field. A list of users and groups displays in the results list becoming more specific as you type.
To query for one or more users using pre-existing filters or to restrict your text query further, select one or more of the following filters from the that are filter list:
◦ Non LDAP Principals queries for users from non LDAP domains. This filter is enabled by default and displays as the active filter under the Show principals containing text field. Use the text search to query for one or more users in non LDAP domains.
◦ LDAP Principals queries for one or more users from an LDAP domain. The LDAP Query dialog box displays.
Using LDAP query syntax, type a query string, and click OK. The query results display in the results list of the Realm User Selection dialog box, and the LDAP Principals filter displays as the active filter under the Show principals containing text field.
• To create an LDAP query string, you should be familiar with your LDAP schema and LDAP query syntax.
• The Windchill RV&S administration client does not perform syntax checking on LDAP query strings.
• After you query for a user in the LDAP Search Filter dialog box, you can query for a user in the results list using the Show principals containing text field.
To clear the that are filter, select > .
3. From the results list, select the users and groups, and then do one of the following:
◦ To add the selected users or groups to the Assigned Administrators list, click +.
◦ To remove the selected users or groups from the Assigned Administrators list, click -.
To hide the principals list or Assigned Administrators list, click  . To display the principals list or Assigned Administrators list, click  . |
4. To assign administrators to the change package type, click OK.