Concepts of Windchill Requirements Connector > Joining a roundtrip with partners
Joining a roundtrip with partners
This section describes how a partner can join an exchange; this operation is sometimes called the initial import operation. The result of this step is to create a roundtrip configuration based on a ReqIF/RIF package, which has been received from a business partner, and import the contents into the local data source, for example, a RERM tool.
Figure 132. Exchange process step
The initiator of the roundtrip has sent ReqIF/RIF files to their business partners. Each roundtrip participant now joins the roundtrip by importing the ReqIF/RIF file to their own data source (for example, a RERM tool) where they can work on the documents that are part of the roundtrip.
Several preparations should be performed in order to ensure that joining the roundtrip is successful. The exchange process should be planned according to the exchange plan received from the initiator. Both the data source and Windchill Requirements Connector have to be prepared before the roundtrip can be executed, which will transfer the documents from the ReqIF/RIF file to the data source.
Figure 133. Preparation cycle
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