Specialized Administration > Windchill Directory Server Administration > Configuring a Windchill Directory Server > Using the dsconfig Command
Using the dsconfig Command
The dsconfig command allows you to manage, create, and remove the base configuration for a directory service instance. The utility provides functions that help you manage your configurations in the following areas:
Core server.
Logging. See Managing the Windchill Directory Server Logging.
User management, such as locking user accounts and setting user passwords. See Managing User Accounts.
Setting password policies. See the section Setting Password Expiration Time and Adding Validators in Setting Windchill Directory Server Password Policies.
From the <WindchillDS>/server/bat command line, enter dsconfig commands.
The dsconfig can be run in interactive mode or by command line. To determine the exact command line to use, consider running dsconfig in interactive mode and adding the --displayCommand option to display the equivalent command line that can be used. The commands shown in this guide are command line examples that include the --no-prompt option and have been formatted to fit the page; enter each command on one line or, on UNIX systems, use \ as the continuation character at the end of each line.