Data Management Capabilities > Managing Part Structures > Windchill Options and Variants Capabilities > Creating and Managing Enterprise-wide Definitions > Defining Global Rules for Options and Choices > Rule Validation to Prevent Conflicts with Other Rules
Rule Validation to Prevent Conflicts with Other Rules
When you create a new or edit an existing rule, the system performs a check to make sure the rule does not conflict with existing global rules, and does not contradict local rules that belong to the same option set. If a conflict is found, you are prevented from creating or modifying the rule.
Include Rules
An include rule conflicts with an existing exclude rule if the source and target choices of the include rule match the target choices of the exclude rule.
An include rule conflicts with an existing enable rule if it has the same source choice as the enable rule, and if it includes the choices that are disabled by the enable rule. In addition, you cannot create a local include rule that conflicts with a global include rule.
Enable Rules
An enable rule conflicts with an include rule if the enable rule has the same source choice as the include rule, and the enable rule disables the same choices that are target choices of the include rule.
An enable rule conflicts with an exclude rule if its source choice and one of the target choices match the target choices of the exclude rule.
The system checks that an enable rule does not have contradictions; for example, the target choices should not belong to the same option as the source choice. In addition, you cannot create a local enable rule that conflicts with a global enable rule.
Exclude Rules
An exclude rule conflicts with an include rule if its choices match some of the choices (source and target choices) selected for the include rule.
An exclude rule conflicts with an enable rule if it the exclude rule has two target choices from two options that match the source and target choices of the enable rule.