Locating Contexts
The Context Name attribute identifies the specific context (that is, a particular product or library in Windchill PDMLink) with which a part is associated. The following procedure describes this locate functionality:
1. Click the Locate button next to the Context Name field.
The Context Name field contains a drop-down list displaying recently used contexts. Use the drop-down to quickly select a context rather than using the search functionality.
2. A new window opens. In the Search On field, select the context type from the drop-down list.
3. In the Context Name field, enter text that would help identify the name of the context you are locating.
You can select Equals or Not Equals from the drop-down list or use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in the field to modify your search. For more information, see Using Wildcard Characters.
4. Click Search.
5. In the Result pane, select the desired context, and click OK.