Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > WVS Publisher > Testing the Publishing Configurations > Testing the Worker Agent Configuration > Test 3: Creating a Representation from Local Data
Test 3: Creating a Representation from Local Data
To perform this test, you need part data loaded on the Windchill system. This data must be in its native state, meaning that it has not already been converted to a viewable (published). Use this data to test the publishing capabilities.
1. Open Windchill in a web browser.
2. Create an empty WTPart, which serves as a placeholder for the part.
3. Open the information page for the WTPart.
4. Under the Structure tab, from the New drop-down list, click New Representation to create a representation associated with WTPart.
In Step 1, assign the representation a name.
In Step 2, select “Local data” and then select the worker data type from the drop-down list.
Browse to a part on the local system.
These steps set the action for the Windchill server to retrieve a part (for example, a Creo Parametric part), and the properly configured worker (PROE) is triggered to create the viewable and populate the representation.
5. Complete the remaining steps described by the wizard accepting the defaults.
6. Upon finishing, you are presented with a link to the WVS Job Monitor where you can observe the viewable conversion take place.
If the worker has been properly configured and the data is valid, the Publisher concludes successfully and a thumbnail link is presented. Click the thumbnail link to view the image.
If the object fails to publish, see Troubleshooting the Worker Agent.