Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > WVS Publisher > Testing the Publishing Configurations > Testing the Worker Agent Configuration > Test 2: Create a Viewable on Demand
Test 2: Create a Viewable on Demand
To perform this test, you need document data loaded on the Windchill system. This data must be in its native state, meaning that it has not already been converted to a viewable (published). You use this data to test the publishing capabilities. This test is valid for 3D models and Office Documents.
The worker must be running to perform this test. If you did not enable Auto Start in the worker configuration, the worker must be manually started. See Test #1: Starting the Worker.
1. Open Windchill in a web browser.
2. Browse to a Document, and open the information page for that document. When Documents are loaded into Windchill through a Windchill Workgroup Manager or an EPM gateway, WVS can publish a representation of this data.
A Creo View icon appears under the Content tab, in the Representations/Annotations list. Hovering over the icon displays “New Representation.”
3. Select the Creo View icon.
4. A page opens that notifies you that the request was “Sent to Publisher”, followed by a link to the WVS Job Monitor, which displays the publishing processes. You can observe the worker, through the WVS Job Monitor, as it converts the document to a viewable.
If successful, a thumbnail image is generated.
5. Select the thumbnail image to open the new viewable.
If the object fails to publish, see Troubleshooting the Worker Agent.