Specialized Administration > Configuring Your Windchill Environment > Using Windchill Configuration Assistant to Configure Windchill > Running the Windchill Configuration Assistant > Ant Command Syntax for Running the Assistant > Targets for WindchillConfigAssistant.xml > Targets for Propagating Values from Intermediate Files
Targets for Propagating Values from Intermediate Files
The list that follows describes the targets that can be selected to propagate property values from intermediate files. The Windchill Configuration Assistant uses the xconfmanager utility to propagate Windchill properties.
To execute these targets, the ConfigurationRef element must be in your site.xconf file.
Before running the propagate targets, the assistant checks to ensure that the associated intermediate files exist. If a required intermediate file does not exist, the assistant returns an error stating that fact before attempting to propagate related property values. To correct the problem, you can rerun the corresponding target that produces the intermediate file.
Embedded Servlet Engine (formerly know as Tomcat) properties are not managed by the xconfmanager utility. Following the initial installation, the Embedded Servlet Engine installation directory contains a properties file named config.properties and an ant build script called config.xml. Embedded Servlet Engine configuration files are regenerated from a template file using values from the associated config.properties. The following file (which contains the value for the mode property) is regenerated when the config.xml script is run, and any manual edits that had been made are lost:
These targets propagate changes regardless of the value of propagate argument specified on the ant command.
Calls xconfmanager -p -F to propagate values from <Windchill>/utilities/wca/conf/windchill/windchillconfigurator.xconf to windchill properties files.
Copies the method server MBean configuration properties stored in the Windchill Configuration Assistant intermediate copy of the method server MBean configuration file to the method server MBean configuration file (<Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/methodServerMBeanConfig.xml).
After running the configureWindchill target and creating the intermediate configuration file, any additional method server changes made by executing the method server Loader MBean save operation are lost when the propagateWindchill target is run. For additional information about persisting MBean changes, see Using the Loader MBean to Persist Configuration Changes.
Applies the contents of the JMX-Administrators list that is stored in the intermediate copy of the method server MBean configuration file to all JMX-Administrators lists using the setEmailList ant target. For details on email lists and the ant script used by the Windchill Configuration Assistant, see Populating the JMX-Administrators List.
As a result of this action, all JMX-Administrators lists contain the same list of email addresses. To modify individual lists after completing the propagation, navigate to a specific JMX-Administrators MBean from a JMX client and, after changing the list, persist your changes using the Loader MBean.
When you specify the configureWindchill and configure targets, you can call the xconfmanager to propagate changes if you include the -Dpropagate=true argument on the ant command. Using the -Dpropagate=true argument can be done instead of using the propagateWindchill target.
Propagates property values found in the intermediate property file named <Windchilll>/utilities/wca/conf/tomcat/config.properties to the target Embedded Servlet Engineconfig.properties file and executes the configureJspEngine ant target in <Windchill>/tomcat/config.xml.
Calls the following targets:
Using the propagate target has the same results as running the Windchill Configuration Assistant two times, each time with one of the listed targets.