Specialized Administration > Site Maintenance > Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) > Setting Up Your JMX Environment
Setting Up Your JMX Environment
The basic JMX features include the ability to automatically send email notifications for defined events. To use this feature, you must:
Ensure that your mail server is setup to send the email notifications. Check with your site IT department to verify the mail host is setup for the environment where Windchill is running. By default, Windchill sends all electronic mails anonymously to the SMTP host defined in the wt.mail.mailhost property.
If some restrictions exist on server access (such as 'relaying prohibited' or 'anonymous connection denied'), the messages sent by Windchill are rejected by the mail server. To configure Windchill to authenticate to the SMTP server, the following properties should be manually added in a file outside of the Windchill codebase (For example, <Windchill>/mail.properties).
Additionally, wt.mail.properties must be set in wt.properties to the mail.properties file as follows:
xconfmanager -s "wt.mail.properties=$(wt.home)$(dir.sep)mail.properties" -t "codebase/wt.properties"
Determine if the default threshold values for sending notifications are appropriate for your site.
Establish the group of users who receive the automatic JMX email notifications and the error report emails sent by users. By default, the JMX-Administrators list is used for this purpose.
Users added to the JMX-Administrators list usually require system monitoring privileges. Users have system monitoring privileges when they are either:
Members of the site Administrators group.
Selecting Site > Administrators displays the Site Administrators table. From this table, you can add users to the Administrators group.
Included in the list of users specified in the wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteAdministrators property. These users have access to the System Configuration Collector, Server Status, and Monitoring Tools pages.
By default, the wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteAdministrators property is not included in the wt.properties file. You can add the wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteAdministrators property. For example, to give monitoring privileges to users with names auser135 and buser246 without making the users site administrators, enter (on one line) the following xconfmanager command from a windchill shell:
xconfmanager -s wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteAdministrators=auser135,buser246
-t wt.properties -p