Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Customizing PSE to Handle Modeled Subclasses > Customization Points > Customizing Localizable Labels and Enumerations
Customizing Localizable Labels and Enumerations
Each modeled object has an associated RBINFO file, created during generation, that contains localized strings that are used as the labels for attributes and columns in PSE. If the label needs to be changed, the corresponding RBIFNO file should be edited. For example, in the file CustPartModelRB.rbInfo, to change the label for the attribute "booleanMBA", edit the following line:
CustPart.booleanMBA.value=New Label for booleanMBA
Modeled enumerations will display the internal values of the enumerations, when rendered as a drop-down menu in PSE. To change the labels displayed in a drop-down menu, the corresponding RBINFO file for the enumeration should be edited. For example, if you generate a class, "public final class MyEnum extends EnumeratedType" with values "apple", "dog", "cat" and you wish to change the display value in the drop-down menu, edit the file MyEnumRB.rbInfo like this:
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