Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > Configuring the Distributed File Server Worker > Troubleshooting the Distributed File Server Worker > Hook Does Not Execute
Hook Does Not Execute
The worker is not calling the Upload to File Server Hook. What could be causing this?
There are several possible reasons why the hook is not getting called. Review the worker log file, which can provide clues as to why the hook does not execute. Examine the following:
Check the directory path to the Upload to File Server Hook startup script in the recipe file. Ensure that the path is correct and that the directory separator is a backward slash and a forward slash. (\/).
Check to be sure that the correct recipe file was configured to execute the Upload to File Server Hook. To determine this, look at the worker startup script and see what recipe is used. Be sure this is the recipe file that is configured to call the hook.
Check the permissions on the startup script.