Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > Configuring the Distributed File Server Worker > Troubleshooting the Distributed File Server Worker
Troubleshooting the Distributed File Server Worker
Master Site Issue
A Distributed File Server Worker is set up for "RemoteSiteA" and the worker agent is selecting this worker to process jobs for data that resides on the master site. How can this be prevented?
When the Publisher determines the site location of the content being published, it then looks for a matching site in the authentication file. In this case, no match was found and the default auth.property is used. For example, assume the authoring application is Creo Parametric. The publisher looked for the property auth.master.PROE in auth.properties. Since the property does not exist in the file, the worker agent selects any worker configured for Creo Parametric in this case.
To resolve this issue, setup Distributed File Server Worker(s) for the master site to process all content that has been synced to the master as the owning site. The property auth.master.<Authoring Application> needs to be added to the authentication file, and the worker rule has "master" as the rule.