Neue Funktionen > Windchill > > Windchill REST Services > Archived Release Notes > Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.1
Summary of Changes for Windchill REST Services 2.1
Changes in Windchill REST Services .2.1 are described in this section.
Domains Added
The following domain has been added in Windchill REST Services 2.1:
PTC BAC Mgmt Domain—The PTC Business Administration Changes domain has been added.
This domain will only work with Windchill and Windchill REST Services 2.1.
The Thingworx ODATA connector does not support the BAC management domain.
Secure Info Processing on Structural Properties is enabled
OOTB support for secure info processing on structural properties is available in WRS 2.1.
Support for the ODATA Enumerated Data Type
The Windchill REST Services framework supports the ODATA EDM enumerated data type.
Support for Windchill Measurement System Preferences
The WRS framework honors user preferences for measurement system in the following way:
Allows you to read the applicable unit of measure for a given Real Number with units property.
The representation for any entity that contains a Real Number with Unit property is generated with the unit from the user's default measurement system.
Support for Windchill Local Time Zone Preferences
The WRS framework has been enhanced to honor the Local Time Zone preference that the user sets in Windchill.
GetWindchillMetaInfo Enhancements
The GetWindchillMetaInfo function is enhanced to include display names for complex types.
New and Changed Functionality in Product Management Domain
The following new navigations are added to the Part entity:
Alternates—Users can now navigate from a part to part alternate links to get the link’s attributes and information about the alternate part.
Substitutes—Users can now navigate from a part to part substitute links to get the link’s attributes and information about the substitute part and the assembly where it can be used
The GetPartStructure API has been enhanced to support additional navigation from the component entity to its replacements using new expansion criteria; Alternates , AlternatePart and Substitutes, SubstitutePart.
The following new unbound multi object APIs are added to the Product Management domain that allows users to create and delete associations between parts and related CAD documents:
The navigation property PartAssociations has been deprecated, and replaced by the navigation property PartDocAssociations for version v5 of the Product Management Domain. PartDocAssociations uses the new ODATA enumeration.
The DateEffectivity entity now honors the Include Time in Date Effectivity preference and includes the time component as well as the date component depending on the preference in Windchill for the StartDate and EndDate properties.
New Functionality in the Dynamic Document Domain
The Dynamic Document domain added the following functionality:
The DynamicDocumentReference entity to support reference links between dynamic documents.
The DynamicDocumentMember entity to support member links between dynamic documents.
Support for Reauthentication for Workflow Completion
The Workflow domain has been enhanced to support workflow tasks that require an e-signature for successful completion. Completing such tasks requires the request header to contain a valid token of reauthentication of the current user.
A new function, GetJWTFormRendererUrl() that outputs the E-signature Reauthentication URL has been added to the PTC domain. This function is to be used by clients to launch a form that re-authenticates users for verification of the e-signature.
New and Changed Functionality in the CAD Document Management Domain
The navigation property PartAssociations has been deprecated and replaced by the navigation property PartDocAssociations for version v3 of the CAD Document Management Domain.
Improvement to Parent Entity Look Up
WRS 2.1 allows a custom type to have the same name as an existing entity type.
The recommended practice when specifying an entity in the entity json file, is to specify a fully qualified name for the entity.
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