Framework and General Capabilities
Windchill REST Services
The following are the updates to the WRS framework and general capabilities:
• Enhancements in the Visualization domain to support filtering using query parameters on the newly added AdditionalFilesData navigation property and its attributes.
• For entities available through containment navigation, the Location header in the response for CREATE or UPSERT (POST or PUT) requests now returns the correct read URL.
• You can now filter the results based on a set of values using the "in" operator.
• You can now filter ($filter on $count) on the count of collection properties such as structural properties and navigation properties.
• You can also expand the navigation property on a derived entity, with the expand option having a type-cast segment to the derived entity in the function results.
• You can now specify the life cycle template name when creating a life cycle managed object if allowed by the Object Initialization Rule (OIR).
• The GetConstraint function now returns the available life cycle template names for the specified container and entity type.
The LifeCycleTemplateName property is immutable. Once set, it cannot be updated using a PATCH request.
• You can now use a query parameter (PTC-AsyncResponse-ContentType=original) to fetch the asynchronous response in its original format. This does not replace the custom header.
• You can expand the deep insert entities by specifying $expand in the request to return the related entities in the deep insert response.
• Relationship constraints are now checked and enforced when creating links through WRS. These constraints are defined in the Type and Attribute Management page.
• A new allowedPreferencesForEdmCacheReset property in is introduced to control the following specific set of preference updates:
◦ Expose Organization (Display_OrgID)
◦ Expose Organization for SUMA (Display_OrgID_SUMA)
◦ Expose Organization for Change Management Objects (Change_Mgmt_Objects_OrgID)
◦ Configurable Module Support (ENABLE_CONFIGURABLE_PARTS)
EDM will be reset only for these preference updates, rather than for every update. For instance, EDM should be reset when the Expose Organization preference is updated.
• A new property, renameDuplicateProperties, in is introduced to resolve conflicts between a new custom attribute and an out-of-the-box (OOTB) property name. The renameDuplicateProperties=true renames the custom property with “Duplicate” appended. The default value is true.
For example, if you define a custom attribute with the internal name LastModified on WTPart, it conflicts with the OOTB property LastModified on PTC.ProdMgmt.Part. Therefore, when the property renameDuplicateProperties is set to true, it renames custom the property LastModified to LastModifiedDuplicate.
• Starting with Windchill including Windchill,, and releases, in the Swagger API catalog, functions with parameters will be generated with aliases, that is, parameters must be passed as query parameters, for example, <param>=@'<value>' instead of path parameters (<param>='{<value>}') in the function. When you are passing String parameters, ensure that you are adding a single quote ( ' ) at the beginning and at the end of the string. This change only impacts the Swagger API catalog.
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