Synchronizing Generic and Generated Process Plans
Using the Synchronize Process Plans action, you can synchronize the generated process plan with the latest updates made in the generic process plan. This action compares the latest version of the generic process plan with the latest version of the generated process plan to detect discrepancies related to associations, part allocations, operations, sequences, and attributes. The discrepancies are then resolved by updating the generated process plan with the latest changes.
Before synchronizing the process plans, ensure that the generic process plan is up-to-date and consistent with the mBOM structure.
To synchronize the process plans, perform the following steps:
1. Open the generic process plan in PPB.
2. In the Generated Process Plans tab, select one or more generated process plans that you want to synchronize with the generic process plan.
3. Click Synchronize Process Plans.
4. Click OK to continue.
The Generated Process Plan Updates dialog box opens, displaying two tables—Discrepancy Report and Synchronization Summary.
The Discrepancy Report table shows the discrepancies that are resolved for the selected process plans. The discrepancies are grouped under the respective generated process plan header. The table shows the following columns:
Identity—Shows the identity of the discrepant object.
Criteria—Provides information about the type of discrepancy, that is whether it is related to addition or removal of documents, operations, sequences, resources, attributes, and other associated objects. Only those discrepancies are displayed that are related to the criteria selected in the preference Criteria for Synchronizing Process Plan Structures.
Generated Process Plan—Displays the identity of the generated process plan associated with the discrepant object.
Source—Shows parent information of the discrepant object in the generic process plan. It appears as a path from the generic process plan to the discrepant object. The object numbers are separated by a pipe sign. In case of objects like documents or attributes, this column shows only the discrepant document or attribute name.
Target—Shows parent information of the discrepant object in the generated process plan. It appears as a path from the generated process plan to the discrepant object. The object numbers are separated by a pipe sign. In case of objects like documents or attributes, this column shows only the discrepant document or attribute name.
Status—Displays Resolved if the discrepancies are resolved and the generated process plan is synchronized.
Additional Information—Provides more information about the discrepancy and status.
The Synchronization Summary table shows information, error, or warning messages that indicate the synchronization process.
5. Click Close.
The synchronized generic and generated process plans are displayed.
If a rules file is available for the generated process plan, it will be applied during synchronization. For more information, see Rules File for Generated Process Plans.
Object Type Mapping to Create Objects for Generated Process Plan Structures
While synchronizing the process plan structures, you can specify whether a particular type of object should be created against a given type in the generic process plan. Use the preference Object Type Mapping to Create Objects for Generated Process Plan Structures to provide the object type mapping for the new objects. The mapping can be specified for process plans, operations, and sequences. If this preference is not specified, the objects created in the generated process plan are of the same type as those in the generic process plan. For more information, see “Object Type Mapping to Create Objects for Generated Process Plan Structures” in Preferences in MPMLink.
Criteria for Synchronizing Process Plan Structures
When synchronizing the process plan structures, the system searches for all the discrepancies between the structures. Using the preference Criteria for Synchronizing Process Plan Structures, you can specify the criteria for identifying these discrepancies. Accordingly, the system will synchronize the generated process plan structure with the equivalent generic process plan structure and its associated part structure. The criteria available for selection are listed below:
Added Usages: Resolves discrepancies related to added operations, sequences, standard operations, and standard procedures.
Associations: Resolves association discrepancies related to added, updated, or removed documents and resources.
Attributes: Resolves discrepancies related to attribute values in process plans, operations, and sequences.
Part Allocations: Resolves discrepancies related to the parts added to or removed from generic process plan or the associated variant mBOM.
Removed Usages: Resolves discrepancies related to removed operations, sequences, standard operations, and standard procedures.
Life Cycle States to Revise an Object When Updating its Structure
Use the preference Life Cycle States to Revise an Object When Updating its Structure to specify the life cycle state at which a part or process plan should be automatically revised when its structure is updated. You can specify multiple life cycle states for each object type. You need to provide the internal name of the life cycle state. For more information, see “Life Cycle States to Revise an Object When Updating its Structure” in Preferences in MPMLink.
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