Publishing Co-produce Objects
In a manufacturing plant, the same material can be used to produce different components of a product. Parts that are produced in a single production process can be put together as a co-produce object. One of these parts can be considered as primary, and the other parts as secondary. For more information, see
Co-produce Object.
You can publish the co-produce object information in the Windchill Enterprise Systems Integration (ESI) response to a distribution target using Windchill ESI.
Windchill ESI lets you publish the co-produce object information that are created or changed within
Windchill MPMLink to a distribution target. You can assign one or more distribution targets to a made from set object through
Associate Distribution Targets option from the
Actions menu or using Windchill loader. For more information on assigning a distribution target, see
Associating Distribution Targets with Objects and
Using a Loader to Assign Distribution Targets.
Windchill ESI passes the following co-produce object information to the EAI software components.
The following attributes of the MadeFromObject are passed:
• ObjectID
• Class — com.ptc.windchill.esi.MadeFromObject
• LastChangedBy
• Number
• DefaultUnit
• Name
• PartType
• Source
• State
• View
• Version
• Iteration
• PreviousVersion
• AssociatedEffectivityID
• Type — Coproduce
• TargetID
The following attributes of BOMComponent of the co-produce object are passed
• ObjectID
• Class — com.ptc.windchill.esi.BOMComponent
• PartNumber
• AssemblyPartNumber
• AssemblyPartID
• Quantity
• Unit
• LineNumber
• FindNumber
• AlternateItemGroup
• ComponentID
• IsChildPhantom
• IsPartConfigurable
• IsPartCollapsible
• AssociatedEffectivityID
• IsRawMaterial
• Usage
• Alternate
• Type
• Category
• Consumption
• TargetID
The following attributes of BOMHeader of the co-produce object are passed:
• ObjectID
• Class — com.ptc.windchill.esi.BOMHeader
• LastChangedBy
• Number
• Version
• Iteration
• EnterpriseVersion
• PreviousVersion
• Usage
• Alternate
• IsCADPhantom
• IsCollapsible
• AssociatedEffectivityID
• Type
• TargetPlant
• Quantity
• Unit
• AssociatedMadeFromObjectID
• IsAllocatedAsResource
• TargetID
In the ESI response, the co-produce structure is published as an alternate BOM for its primary part.
When publishing a process plan associated with a co-produce object, the process plan associated with the co-produce object is published as a process plan for the primary part of the co-produce. The part to process plan link is sent with the primary part instead of the co-produce object.
The following information is also published in the ESI response:
• Enterprise Data
• Plant Data
• Department Data
• Documents associated with the co-produce object
You can publish co-produce information using the following methods:
• Set State
• Change Notice
• Send to Distribution Target
• Co-produce associated with BOM, process plan, and resource structure for its primary part
For SAP, co-produce information is consumed as an alternate BOM by setting the coproduce flags on material master and BOM components.
Persisting Consumption Information in SAP
The consumption information for the co-produce structure is persisted as Joint Production information at the SAP side on the co-produce primary part. SAP allows users to persist only one number (represented as a percentage value), called Equivalence Numbers in SAP, for each primary and secondary part of the co-produce structure.
The Category attribute in the CoProduceUsage BOM component indicates which consumption values are to be persisted in SAP for the given primary and secondary parts of the co-produce structure.
If the Category attribute has a value set to semifinished, the consumption percentage values are persisted for the respective primary and secondary parts of the co-produce structure.
If the Category attribute is set to semifinished for more than one CoProduceUsage BOM component with the consumption percentage values for the same primary or secondary parts of a co-produce structure, an exception “Multiple consumption values for any Primary or Secondary part for a Co-produce object are not supported.” appears from TIBCO business logic.
If the Category attribute has a value set to mounting, the consumption percentage values are not persisted for the respective primary and secondary parts of the co-produce structure.
You can view the joint production information that was persisted for the primary co-produce part in Material Master information in SAP using T-Code MM03. The joint production information is persisted on Material Master in SAP using a custom RFC /PTC/ZMATERIAL_COSTS_SPLIT_UPD.
The preference Publish Made From part consumption in a Co-produce BOM allows you to publish Made From part consumption by primary and secondary parts in a co-produce BOM.
Follow these steps to enable this preference:
1. Open the Preference Management utility. Click > > .
2. Select > > .
3. Set the preference Publish Made From part consumption in a Co-produce BOM as Yes to publish raw material consumption information in the ESI response.
By default, this preference is set to Yes. Set this preference to No to disable publishing raw material consumption information in the ESI response.