Using a Loader to Assign Distribution Targets
A commonly used approach to assigning distribution targets is to use the Associate Distribution Targets option. However, it may sometimes be necessary to use the Windchill Loader to perform the assignments, especially when distribution targets are to be assigned in bulk to a large number of business objects, or to legacy data.
Use the following procedure to assign distribution targets using a loader:
1. Create a load file similar to the sample xml file provided in the following location:
2. Open a Windchill shell and run the following command:
java wt.load.LoadFromFile -d %WT_HOME%\loadFiles\esi\esiCust\ ESITargetAssignmentLink.xml -CONT_PATH /wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo
To ignore assignment errors use the Preference Management utility to set the Ignore Invalid Records preference to Yes.