Create a Package of Business Administrative Changes
The Export Changes tab in the Business Administrative Change utility provides the ability to create a package containing business administrative changes for exporting them to a production Windchill system.
To create a package, perform the following steps:
1. On the Export Changes tab, specify the date range and the object types of the changes you want to export, and click Search.
To export an object type on the creation or modification date, in the Show Changes From: box you must specify the creation or modification date and in the To: box specify the next following day.
For an object type that is to be exported on the same date as it was created or last modified, you must put the start date as date of creation or modification and the end date as the next day.
For example, consider an object type called Rule Sets that was created and last modified on 01-03-2023. To export this object on the same date (01-03-2023) as it was created, you must specify the start date as 01-03-2023 and end date as 02-03-2023.
The Select Changes section lists the changes based on the specified criteria. If you do not specify an object type, the changes for all object types are listed.
A system administrator can set preferences for displaying a maximum number of objects on the preview. For more information, see Set Several Objects to Display on the Preview.
The Description column displays information only for the Life Cycle Template and Workflow Template objects.
The Modified By column displays the name of the container owner.
The object information in the columns Object Type, Name, and Modified On is sorted alphabetically or by the modification date.
2. In the Select Changes section, select the required changes and click Create Package. The Review and Create Package dialog box is displayed.
In the table header row, you can select the Select All checkbox to export all objects simultaneously.
To create and export a package without a preview, select the Export Without Preview checkbox, and then click Create Package Without Preview.
The Export Without Preview option enables you to export all the objects, including seed objects and dependent objects, in a single action without any pagination limitation.
3. In the Review and Create Package dialog box, specify a name for the package and optionally, a description.
4. Review the changes that will be included in the package. If any object has a dependency on another object, include that object as well. To edit the selection, close this dialog box and update the selection on the Export Changes tab. Then, relaunch the Review and Create Package dialog box.
Certain business administrative objects have dependencies on artifacts that are not managed by the business administrative change framework or artifacts that are code or files managed within WT_HOME, such as StateRBInfo resource bundles. Following is a list of business objects and possible dependencies that may be required to be applied to the target system to successfully import a package of business administrative changes.
Business Administrative Object
External Dependencies
Access control rule
Life cycle state
Life cycle template
Life cycle state
Team template
Actor or role
Object initialization rule
Versioning sequence
Workflow process template
Custom classes for workflow expressions
Team template
Actor or role
Share Table Views
Owner of the view
Report template (if report is created from report template)
Client tab
Rule Sets
Independent (Rule Set has no dependencies because it is a primary object.)
The Rule Sets collection category collects three object types: rule, rule set, rule set link. These are the primary interconnected objects.
5. Click Create.
A success message is displayed after the package is created. A zip of the package is downloaded locally.
Set Several Objects to Display on the Preview
The preference, Maximum Number of Objects to Display on Preview, enables you to set a maximum limit for the number of objects displayed in the Select Changes section before creating a package.
To set the preference value, go to Utilities > Preference Management > Business Administrative Change Promotion.
The default value for this preference is 1000, with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 5000. You can define this value at the site level and the organization level.
An organization-level value always overwrites the site-level value.
While exporting all the objects, the system first considers all the seed objects and then calculates the dependents of each seed object, one by one, until it reaches the threshold. Hence, while exporting a package, all dependents may not be included. The filter criteria, namely date, is always considered while displaying all the objects on the preview.
An alert message appears when fetching records that exceeds the value set by the preference.
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