What’s New > Windchill > > Change Management > Enhancements in the Redline
Enhancements in the Redline
The following enhancements are made in the redline actions toolbar:
Added the Edit Filter action in Filter Action Set
You can view the proper resolution of the part versions based on the defined configuration specification using the Edit Filter action. The action allows you to view the latest versions of a root and the redline of a child (if the redline exists on a child).
The Edit Filter action is enabled only in a read-only state (for the View BOM Redline action). The read-only actions are available for the latest version shown in the BOM redline client.
Applied the Latest configuration specification as the default option to any unresolved part.
Added the Reports action to export the reports:
The Reports action provides a list of options to export a file in various formats such as CSV, HTML, PDF, TEXT, XLS, XLSX, XLS Report, and XML.
Related Information
For details, see the following topics:
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