Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > PTC Domains > PTC Domains > PTC Saved Search Domain > Functions Available in the PTC Saved Search Domain
Functions Available in the PTC Saved Search Domain
The following functions are available in the PTC Saved Search domain:
The function GetSelectedTypesFromSavedSearch() returns the object types, which were selected when the search was saved. This function is bound to the SavedQuery entity of an object.
The function ExecuteSavedSearch() is used to execute a saved search. This function is bound to the SavedQuery entity of an object. The function supports pagination. It also supports latest version search. See the section Retrieving the Latest Version of an Entity, for more information on custom query for latest version search.
When you execute a saved search, you can override the keyword defined in the saved search. The keyword specified in the URL takes precedence over the keyword defined in the saved search. The override is applied only when the search is executed. The saved search is not updated with the keyword specified in the request URL.
When you use a saved search to execute a search, the result set may contain Windchill objects of various types. Some of the Windchill objects types are not available in Windchill REST Services. All the object types that are not available in Windchill REST Services are represented as WindchillEntity. For such Windchill objects, the function returns only the ID, created by, and last modified by attributes.
The object types, which are available in Windchill REST Services, are automatically mapped to the relevant entity type. The function returns all the information related to these objects in the search result.
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