PTC Saved Search Domain
The PTC Saved Search domain provides access to saved searches in Windchill. You can use the saved searches to execute a search.
The following table lists the significant OData entities available in the PTC Saved Search domain. To see all the OData entities available in the PTC Saved Search domain, refer to the EDM of the domain. The domain EDM is available at the metadata URL.
OData Entities
Saved Search
The SavedQuery entity represents the saved searches in Windchill.
You can use $filter expressions to query the attributes available in the entity.
The attribute ID cannot be queried using the $filter expressions.
Saved searches are not access controlled. When you query for saved searches, you get a list of all the saved searches from Windchill, even if the saved search was not created by you, or shared with you.
You can share a saved search with members of a context, organization, or site. Such saved searches are set as global search. GlobalSavedSearchVisibility property represents global search. The information that appears in global searches for the GlobalSavedSearchVisibility property is access controlled, because context, organization, and site are access controlled. For global searches, if you do not have the required context, organization, and site level access, the search-related information appears as Secured information.
When you query or execute saved searches, the search queries are logged in the Security Audit Reporting utility in Windchill.
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