Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > PTC Domains > PTC Domains > PTC Manufacturing Process Management Domain > Actions Available in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management Domain
Actions Available in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management Domain
The following are some of the key actions available for the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain:
The action GetBOP returns the bill of process (BOP) for the process plan structure. The action is bound to the entity NavigationCriteria, that is, to the filter saved in Windchill.
When you call the GetBOP action you can specify the IDs of two NavigationCriteria, that is, processPlanNavigationCriteriaId and relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteriaId in the request body. These are the IDs of the saved filters you want to use as the filter criteria. If you do not specify the IDs of the filter in the request body, then the default filters are used to work with the process plan structure.
The GetBOPWithInlineNavCriteria action returns the bill of process (BOP) for the process plan structure for the specified inline navigation criteria. Pass processPlanNavigationCriteria and relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteria as the input parameters.
In the navigation criteria, if the ApplyToTopLevelObject property is set to true, and no qualifying version is found for the top-level object, an error message is returned.
The GetConsumed action returns the object associated with a consuming Operation for the specified navigation criteria. Pass processPlanNavigationCriteriaId and relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteriaId as the input parameters.
The GetConsumedWithInlineNavCriteria action returns the object associated with a consuming Operation for the specified inline navigation criteria. Pass processPlanNavigationCriteria and relatedAssemblyNavigationCriteria as the input parameters.
In the navigation criteria, if the ApplyToTopLevelObject property is set to true, and no qualifying version is found for the top-level object, an error message is returned.
The GetDocuments returns the Document objects associated with an Operation Holder for the specified navigation criteria. When you call the GetDocuments action, you can specify the NavigationCriteriaID in the request body. This is the ID of the saved filter that you want to use as the filter criteria. If you do not specify the ID of the filter in the request body, then the default filter is used.
The GetDocumentsWithInlineNavCriteria action returns the Document objects with an Operation Holder for the specified inline Navigation Criteria.
The CreateOperations action enables you to create both single and multiple Standard Operations. The action returns a collection of Operation objects. When creating multiple Operations, the entire transaction rolls back if a failure occurs for even a single object.
The CreateProcessPlans action enables you to create both single and multiple Process Plans or Standard Procedures. The action returns a collection of Process Plan or Standard Procedure objects. When creating multiple Process Plans or Standard Procedures, the entire transaction rolls back if a failure occurs for even a single object.
The CreateProcessMaterials action enables you to create both single and multiple Process Material objects. The action returns a collection of Process Material objects. When creating multiple Process Materials if there is a failure for even a single object the entire transaction is rolled back.
The CreateSkills action enables you to create both single and multiple Skills. The action returns a collection of Skill objects. When creating multiple Skills if there is a failure for even a single object the entire transaction is rolled back.
The CreateToolings action enables you to create both single and multiple Tooling objects. The action returns the collection of Tooling objects. When creating multiple Tooling objects if there is a failure for even a single object the entire transaction is rolled back.
The CreateWorkCenters action enables you to create both single and multiple Work Center objects. The action returns the collection of Work Center objects. When creating multiple Work Center objects if there is a failure for even a single object the entire transaction is rolled back.
The CreateStandardCCs action enables you to create both single and multiple Standard Control Characteristic objects. The action returns the collection of Standard Control Characteristic objects. When creating multiple Standard Control Characteristic objects if there is a failure for even a single object the entire transaction is rolled back.
The CreateMPMPartToProcessPlanLinks action enables you to associate both single or multiple Process Plan or Standard Procedure objects with a WTPart object.
The CreateMPMStandardProcedureLinks action enables you to associate both single or multiple Standard Procedure objects with an Operation Holder (Process Plan, Operation, Sequence) object.
The UpdateOperations action updates the attributes of single or multiple Operation objects.
The UpdateSkills action updates the attributes of single or multiple Skill objects.
The UpdateWorkCenters action updates the attributes of single or multiple Work Center objects.
The UpdateToolings action updates the attributes of single or multiple Work Center objects.
The UpdateSequences action updates the attributes of single or multiple Sequence objects.
The UpdateProcessPlans action updates the attributes of single or multiple Process Plan objects.
The UpdateProcessMaterials action updates the attributes of single or multiple Process Material objects.
The UpdateStandardCCs action updates the attributes of single or multiple Standard CC objects.
The UpdateMPMPartToProcessPlanLinks action updates the attributes of multiple Part to Process Plan links.
The UpdateMPMStandardProcedureLinks action updates the attributes of multiple Operation Holder to Standard Procedure links.
The UpdateMPMStandardCCToResourceLinks action updates the attributes of multiple Standard CC to Resource links.
The UpdateConsumableLinks action updates the attributes of multiple Operation to Consumable links.
The DeleteSkills action deletes single or multiple Skill objects.
The DeleteWorkCenters action deletes single or multiple Work Center objects.
The DeleteToolings action deletes single or multiple Tooling objects.
The DeleteProcessPlans action deletes single or multiple Process Plan objects.
The DeleteProcessMaterials action deletes single or multiple Process Material objects.
The DeleteStandardCCs action deletes single or multiple Standard CC objects.
The DeleteMPMPartToProcessPlanLinks action deletes single or multiple MPMPartToProcessPlanLinks for the specified Material (WTPart) OID and link OIDs.
The DeleteOperationToOperatedPartLinks action deletes single or multiple OperationToOperatedPartLinks for the specified Operation OID and link OIDs.
The DeleteMPMOperationToPartLinks action deletes single or multiple MPMOperationToPartLinks for the specified Operation OID and link OIDs.
The DeleteOperationToConsumableLink action deletes single or multiple MPMOperationConsumableLinks for the specified Operation OID and link OIDs.
The DeleteMPMStandardCCToResourceLinks action deletes single or multiple MPMStandardCCToResourceLinks for the specified Standard CC OID and link OIDs.
The AssociateConsumableResources action enables you to associate multiple consumable Resources to an Operation.
The AssociateWorkCenter action enables you to associate multiple Work Centers to an Operation.
The AssociateStandardOperations action enables you to associate multiple Standard Operations to an Operation.
The ChangeOperationIdentity action enables you to modify the identity attributes such as Name and Number for single or multiple Operation objects.
The ChangeProcessPlanIdentity action enables you to modify the identity attributes such as Name and Number for single or multiple Process Plan objects.
The ChangeSequenceIdentity action enables you to modify the identity attributes such as Name and Number for single or multiple Sequence objects.
The ChangeSkillIdentity action enables you to modify the identity attributes such as Name and Number for single or multiple Skill objects.
The ChangeToolingIdentity action enables you to modify the identity attributes such as Name and Number for single or multiple Tooling objects.
The ChangeProcessMaterialIdentity action enables you to modify the identity attributes such as Name and Number for single or multiple Process Material objects.
The CreateStandardCCUsageToResourceLink action enables you to create an MPMStandardCCUsageToResourceLink for the specified attributes, OperationToStandardCCLink OID, and multiple Resource (Process Material, Skill, or Tooling) OIDs.
The DeleteMPMStdCCUsageToProcessPlanLinks action enables you to delete existing single or multiple MPMStdCCUsageToProcessPlanLinks.
The UpdateMPMStdCCUsageToProcessPlanLink action enables you to update the attributes of an existing MPMStdCCUsageToProcessPlanLink object.
The DeleteAssociativeToSCCLinks action enables you to delete existing single or multiple AssociativeToSCCLinks for the specified Part and AssociativeToSCCLink OIDs.
The CreateMPMStdCCUsageToProcessPlanLink action enables you to create single or multiple MPMStdCCUsageToProcessPlanLinks for the specified MPMOperationToStandardCCLink OID and single or multiple Standard Procedure OIDs.
The UpdateMPMStdCCUsageToResourceLinks action enables you to update to the out of the box (OOTB) attributes of an existing MPMStdCCUsageToResourceLink object for the specified MPMStdCCUsageToResourceLink OID.
The DeleteMPMStdCCUsageToResourceLinks action enables you to delete existing single or multiple MPMStdCCUsageToResourceLink object for the specified MPMStdCCUsageToResourceLink OIDs.
The UpdateAssociativeToSCCLinks action enables you to update the attributes of an existing AssociativeToSCCLink between Part and Standard Control Characteristic (SCC) for the specified Part and AssociativeToSCCLink OIDs.
The GetUnallocatedSCCs action enables you to retrieve all unallocated AssociativeToSCCLink objects and attributes on the links for the specified Operation OID, Process Plan OID, Process Plan Navigation Criteria OID, and Related Assembly Navigation Criteria OID.
The CreateAssociativeToSCCLinks action enables you to create single or multiple AssociativeToSCCLink objects for the specified Part and Standard CC OIDs.
The EditProcessMaterialsSecurityLabels action enables you to edit Security Labels for Process Material objects.
The EditSkillsSecurityLabels action enables you to edit Security Labels for Skill objects.
The EditToolingsSecurityLabels action enables you to edit Security Labels for Tooling objects.
The EditWorkCentersSecurityLabels action enables you to edit Security Labels for Work Center objects.
The EditOperationsSecurityLabels action enables you to edit Security Labels for Operation objects.
The EditSequencesSecurityLabels action enables you to edit Security Labels for Sequence objects.
The EditProcessPlansSecurityLabels action enables you to edit Security Labels for Process Plan objects.
The CreateMPMEPMDocumentDescribeLinks action enables you to create MPMEPMDocumentDescribeLinks between an EPMDocumentManageable (Process Plan, Standard Procedure, Operation, or Sequence) and EPMDocuments for the specified EPMDocument OIDs.
The DeleteMPMEPMDocumentDescribeLinks action enables you to delete existing MPMEPMDocumentDescribeLinks between an EPMDocumentManageable (Process Plan, Standard Procedure, Operation, or Sequence) and EPMDocuments.
The CreateMPMDocumentReferenceLinks action enables you to create MPMDocumentReferenceLinks between an Operation Holder (Process Plan, Standard Procedure, Operation, or Sequence) and Documents for the specified Document OIDs.
The CreateOperationsInContext action enables you to create single or multiple Standard Operations in the Product, Library, or Organization context.
The UpdateMPMOperationUsageLinks action enables you to update existing single or multiple MPMOperationUsageLink objects for the specified MPMOperationUsageLink OIDs.
The CreateMPMSequencesInSequenceContext action enables you to create single or multiple Sequences for a Sequence.
The CreateMPMSequencesInProcessPlanContext action enables you to create single or multiple Sequences for a Process Plan.
The UpdateOperationToOperatedPartLink action enables you to update existing single or multiple MPMOperationToOperatedOnPartLink objects for the specified MPMOperationToOperatedOnPartLink OIDs.
The DeleteMPMOperationToStandardCCLinks action enables you to delete existing single or multiple MPMOperationToStandardCCLinks for the specified Operation and MPMOperationToStandardCCLink OIDs.
The UpdateOperationToPartLink action enables you to update existing single or multiple MPMOperationToPartLink objects for the specified MPMOperationToPartLink OIDs.
The CreateOperationToStandardCCLink action enables you to create single or multiple MPMOperationToStandardCCLink objects for the specified Standard CC objects.
The AssignCCFromProduct action enables you to create single or multiple MPMSCCOperationToStandardCCLink objects for an Operation for the specified AssociativeToSCCLink OIDs. The link exists between an Operation and a Standard CC associated with the specified AssociativeToSCCLink OID(s).
The CreateOperationToOperatedPartLink action enables you to create single or multiple MPMOperationToOperatedPartLink objects for the specified Part objects.
The UpdateOperationToStandardCCLink action enables you to update existing single or multiple MPMOperationToStandardCCLink objects for the specified MPMOperationToStandardCCLink OIDs.
The CreateMPMOperationToPartLinks action enables you to create single or multiple MPMOperationToPartLinks for the specified consumable Path OIDs, Process Plan OID, Related Assembly OID, Process Plan Navigation Criteria OID, and Related Assembly Navigation Criteria OID. You can also create MPMOperationToPartLinks for an Operation under a Standard Procedure.
The CreateMPMOperationtoPartLinksWithInLineNavCriteria action enables you to create single or multiple MPMOperationToPartLinks for the specified consumable path OIDs, process plan OID, related assembly OID, process plan inline navigation criteria, and related assembly inline navigation criteria.
You can also create MPMOperationToPartLinks using this action by specifying the process plan navigation criteria ID and related assembly navigation criteria ID. However, if you specify both the inline and specific navigation criteria, the request ignores the navigation criteria ID.
The UpdateSequenceUsageLink action enables you to update existing single or multiple SequenceUsageLink objects for the specified SequenceUsageLink OIDs.
The CreateMPMStandardCCToProcessPlanLinks action enables you to create single or multiple MPMStandardCCToProcessPlanLinks for the specified Standard Procedure OIDs.
The UpdateMPMStandardCCToProcessPlanLinks action enables you to update existing single or multiple MPMStandardCCToProcessPlanLink objects for the specified MPMStandardCCToProcessPlanLink OIDs.
The DeleteMPMStandardCCToProcessPlanLinks action enables you to delete existing single or multiple MPMStandardCCToProcessPlanLink objects for the specified MPMStandardCCToProcessPlanLink OIDs.
The CreateMPMStandardCCToResourceLinks action enables you to create single or multiple MPMStandardCCToResourceLinks for the specified Resource (Skill, Process Material, or Tooling) OIDs.
The DeleteMPMStandardCCUsageToDDLinks action enables you to delete single or multiple MPMStandardCCToResourceLinks between Standard Control Characteristic and Described By Documents.
The CreateResourcesAssociations action enables you to create single or multiple associations between Resources and CAD documents.
The DeleteResourcesAssociations action enables you to delete single or multiple associations between Resources and CAD documents.
The CreatePartTags action enables you to create Part Tag links.
The DeletePartTags action enables you to delete Part Tag links.
The GetMPMEPMDocumentDescribes action returns single or multiple MPM EPM Document Describe Links and EPM Documents.
The CreateMPMDocumentDescribeLinks action enables you to create single or multiple MPMDocumentDescribeLinks.
The DeleteMPMDocumentDescribeLink action enables you to delete single or multiple MPMDocumentDescribeLinks.
The InsertNewOperations action enables you to insert multiple Operations after an Operation for the specified Operation OID.
The CreateMPMCompatibilityLinks action enables you to create single or multiple associations between a Resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and compatible Resources.
The DeleteMPMCompatibilityLinks action enables you to delete single or multiple associations between a Resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and compatible Resources.
The CreateUses action enables you to add single or multiple Resources or Parts to a Resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center).
The CreateResourceDescribeDocumentLinks action enables you to create single or multiple links between a Resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and Described By Documents.
The DeleteResourceDescribeLinks action enables you to delete single or multiple WTPartDescribeLink objects for the specified Resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) OID.
The CreateResourceReferenceDocumentLinks action enables you to create single or multiple links between a Resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) and Reference Documents.
The DeleteResourceReferenceLinks action enables you to delete single or multiple WTPartReferenceLink objects for the specified Resource (Process Material, Skill, Tooling, or Work Center) OID.
The CreateOperationInContextFromTemplate action enables you to create an Operation from Template or its subtype for the specified Operation Holder (Process Plan, Operation, Sequence, or Standard Procedure).
The GetPartStructure action enables you to retrieve the Part structure with path information using the Navigation Criteria passed in the NavigationCriteria parameter.
The BOPAllocateAssembly action automatically allocates common parts to an existing process plan from an assembly based on the previous allocations of the same parts from other related assemblies of the process plan.
Pass ProcessPlanNavigationCriteria and NewAssemblyNavigationCriteria, and NewAssembly in the request body as the input parameters.
The GetRoutingPlansForRoutables action enables you to read all the routing plans for the specified routables.
The CreateWCRoutingPlans action enables you to create a single or multiple routing plans for a part, process plan, and plant. The release part, process plan, and plant are required attributes. You must also specify the plant navigation criteria ID and the corresponding navigation criteria ID for each specified routable, that is the process plan and part.
The LocalizeOperations action is a bound action on the RoutingPlan entity type that enables you to create localized operations on a workstation for a specified routing plan.
The RelocalizeOperations is a bound action on the RoutingPlan entity type that enables you to update the link between a workstation and localized operations.
The DeleteRoutingPlans action enables you to delete a single or multiple routing plans.
Refer to the domain EDM for a complete list of actions.
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