Windchill REST Services Domain Capabilities > PTC Domains > PTC Domains > PTC Manufacturing Process Management Domain
PTC Manufacturing Process Management Domain
The PTC Manufacturing Process Management (MfgProcMgmt) domain provides access to the manufacturing process management capabilities (MPM) of Windchill. Manufacturing Process Management is the process of defining and managing the manufacturing processes, which are used to make parts, assemble final products, and perform inspections. The domain provides OData entities that represent business objects such as process plan, operation, sequence, bill of process (BOP), resource, and control characteristic (CC). The domain is available only if you install Windchill MPMLink.
The PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain references the PTC Document Management domain to provide navigation to allocated parts and operated on parts.
The following table lists the significant OData entities available in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain. To see all the OData entities available in the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain, refer to the EDM of the domain available at the following metadata URL: /Windchill/servlet/odata/MfgProcMgmt/$metadata
OData Entities
Process Plan
The ProcessPlan entity represents the version of a process plan. In Windchill, the MPMProcessPlan and MPMProcessPlanMaster classes are used to work with process plan versions.
The StandardProcedure entity is derived from the ProcessPlan entity. StandardProcedure represents an instance of MPMProcessPlan class, where Standard attribute is set to true.
The Operation entity represents the version of an operation. In Windchill, the MPMOperation and MPMOperationMaster classes are used to work with operation versions.
The Sequence entity represents the version of a sequence. In Windchill, the MPMSequence and MPMSequenceMaster classes are used to work with sequence versions.
The WorkCenter, Skill, Tooling, and ProcessingMaterial entities represent the MPM resources. In Windchill, resources represent objects such as, personnel, material, equipment and so on, that perform the production activities. Manufacturing resources are the resources needed on the shop floor during the production, maintenance, inspection, or repair of parts.
The MPMResource class is used to work with resources.
The MPMConsumableResource class is used to work with consumed resources.
Control Characteristic
The StandardCC entity represents a control characteristic version. In Windchill, the MPMStandardCC class is used to work with control characteristics.
In MPM domain, the Material entity represents WTPart.
Routing Plan
The RoutingPlan entity represents the version of a routing plan that acts as a link between the process plan, Bill of Material (BOM), and plant objects. In Windchill, the MPMRoutingPlan and MPMRoutingPlanMaster classes are used to work with process plan, part, and plant versions.
subtypeable and softattributable Attributes
The PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain supports the subtypeable and softattributable attributes of Windchill. All the PTC Manufacturing Process Management domain entities that are backed by a persistable which implements the Typed interface, support these attributes.
Navigation Properties Available for Bill of Process (BOP)
You can retrieve the results for BOP and expand and retrieve its navigation properties using $expand=Components(levels=max).
BOP allows multilevel expands. For example, $expand=Components(levels=max) expands the whole structure while $expand=Components(levels=2) expands the structure up to two levels of children. Default is levels=1.
The following are the important navigation properties available for BOP:
OperationHolder—Returns the Operation Holders in the Process Plan structure. An Operation Holder represents a Process Plan, Sequence, Operation, or Standard Procedure.
OperationHolderUsageLink—Returns the usage links for Operation Holders.
Components—Returns the child Components for the Process Plan, Sequence and Operation.
RelatedParts—Returns Related Parts and MPMPartToProcessPlanLink for the Operation along with their custom attributes, that is, any type of IBA including local/global attributes, object reference attributes.
ConsumedOperatedOnParts—Returns the Operated On Parts associated with an Operation using MPMOperationToOperatedPartLink along with their attributes.
The ConsumedOperatedOnParts entity collection contains the following navigation properties that can be retrieved using $expand:
Part—Returns the Operated On Part object and its custom attributes.
OperationToOperatedPartLink—Returns the link for the Operated On Part in the Operation structure and its custom attributes.
ConsumedParts—Returns the Parts associated with an Operation using MPMOperationToPartLink along with their attributes.
The ConsumedParts entity collection contains the following navigation properties that can be retrieved using $expand:
Part—Returns the Part object and its custom attributes.
OperationToPartLink—Returns the link for the Part in the Operation structure and its custom attributes.
PartPathOccurrenceLinks—Returns the occurrence links for the Part in the Operation structure and their custom attributes.
ConsumedProcessMaterials—Returns the Process Materials associated with an Operation using OperationToConsumableLink along with their attributes.
The ConsumedProcessMaterials entity collection contains the following navigation properties that can be retrieved using $expand:
OperationToConsumableLink—Returns the link for the Process Material in the Operation structure and its custom attributes.
ProcessMaterial—Returns the Process Material object and its custom attributes.
ConsumedSkills—Returns the Skills associated with an Operation using OperationToConsumableLink along with their attributes.
The ConsumedSkills entity collection contains the following navigation properties that can be retrieved using $expand:
OperationToConsumableLink—Returns the link for the Skill in the Operation structure and its custom attributes.
Skill—Returns the Skill object and its custom attributes.
ConsumedStandardCCs—Returns the Standard CCs associated with an Operation using OperationToStandardCCLink along with their attributes.
The ConsumedStandardCCs entity collection contains the following navigation properties that can be retrieved using $expand:
OperationToStandardCCLink—Returns the link for the Control Characteristic in the Operation structure and its custom attributes.
StandardCC—Returns the CC object and its custom attributes.
ConsumedToolings—Returns the Toolings associated with an Operation using OperationToConsumableLink and their attributes.
The ConsumedToolings entity collection contains the following navigation properties that can be retrieved using $expand:
OperationToConsumableLink—Returns the link for the Tooling in the Operation structure and its custom attributes.
Tooling—Returns the Tooling object and its custom attributes.
ConsumedWorkCenters—Returns the Work Centers associated with an Operation using OperationToWorkCenterLink along with their attributes.
The ConsumedWorkCenters entity collection contains the following navigation properties that can be retrieved using $expand:
OperationToWorkCenterLink—Returns the link for the Work Center in the Operation structure and its custom attributes.
WorkCenter—Returns the Work Center object and its custom attributes.
DescribedByDocuments—Returns the Described By Documents objects along with their custom attributes.
The DescribedByDocuments entity collection contains the DescribedBy navigation property that can be retrieved using $expand.
ReferenceDocuments—Returns the Reference Documents objects along with their custom attributes.
The ReferenceDocuments entity collection contains the References navigation property that can be retrieved using $expand.
DownloadUrls—Returns the download URLs.
Representations—Returns the URL for the dynamic structure representation.
Navigation Properties Available for the RoutingPlan Entity
The following are the important navigation properties available for the RoutingPlan entity:
RoutingAssignmentLink—Returns the routing plan, process plan, or part objects and its navigation criteria along with its custom attributes associated with the routing plan.
NavigationCriteria—Returns the plant structure.
Plant—Returns the plant object and its custom attributes.
StartMilestone—Returns the start of the process.
EndMilestone—Returns the end of the process.
RoutingMilestone—Holds category description and its custom attributes. From milestone, you can navigate to operation milestones or workstation milestones.
RoutingMilestoneLink—Returns the link between routing plan and operation or routing plan and workstation.
RoutingPrecedenceLink—Finds the order of the localized operation and station.
Navigation Properties Available for the RoutingAssignmentLink Entity
The following are the important navigation properties available for the RoutingAssignmentLink entity:
RoutingPlan—Returns the routing plan objects and its custom attributes.
Routable—Returns the part, process plan, and plant objects and its custom attributes.
NavigationCriteria—Returns the navigation criteria for part and process plan.
Navigation Properties Available for the RoutingMilestoneLink Entity
The following are the important navigation properties available for the RoutingMilestoneLink entity:
RoutingPlan—Returns the routing plan objects and its custom attributes.
RoutingMilestone—Holds category description and its custom attributes. From milestone, you can navigate to operation milestones or workstation milestones.
RoutingMilestoneGroup—Returns work center objects and its custom attributes.
Navigation Properties Available for the RoutingArtifactLink Entity
The following are the important navigation properties available for the RoutingArtifactLink entity:
Part—Returns part objects and its custom attributes. Resources are subtypes of parts.
RoutingPrecedenceLink—Finds the order of the localized operation and station.
Navigation Properties Available for the RoutingPrecedenceLink Entity
The following are the important navigation properties available for the RoutingPrecedenceLink entity:
RoutingMilestone—Holds category description and its custom attributes. From milestone, you can navigate to operation milestones or workstation milestones.
RoutingArtifactLink—Returns information about resources related to localized operation.
Navigation Properties Available for the Routable Entity
The following are the important navigation properties available for the Routable entity:
ProcessPlan—Returns the process plan objects and its custom attributes.
Part—Returns the part objects and its custom attributes.
Navigation Property Available for the RouteHolder Entity
The following is the navigation property available for the RouteHolder entity:
MPMCompatibilityLinks—Returns the compatibility links between station and resources.
Refer to the domain EDM for a complete list of navigation properties.
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