Exporting and Importing All Shared and System Table Views
For information on exporting and importing selected shared and system table views, see Exporting and Importing Selected Shared and System Table Views.
A site administrator can export all shared and system table views from a Windchill system. This export includes:
All system table views (the table views provided when the product was installed)
All shared table views created by a site administrator
All shared table views created by an organization administrator
The exported table views can be imported to another Windchill system, so long as both Windchill systems are of the same release level. For example, you can export all shared and system table views from a test system and import them into a production system of the same release level.
Export system and shared table views
Follow these steps to export system and shared table views:
To keep track of incremental changes, set up Windchill deployment environment before you start transferring shared table views. For more information, see Business Administrative Change Promotion Process.
Export the shared table views from the development system. For more information on exporting using the Business Administration Change tool, see Create a Package of Business Administrative Changes.
Save the resulting ZIP file for the view or views.
You can import the table views manually or create custom import automation tools in the following ways:
Import the zip package file created by the Business Administrative Change export using the system administration tool, Business Administrative Changeor the REST APIs, or its command line utility. For more information, see Import a Package of Business Administrative Changes.
Manually import the JAR of table views exported from the Customize Table Views utility using the context’s business administration tool, Import/Export Management. For more information, see  Working with the Import/Export Management Utility.
Automate the import of manually created or command line utility created JAR file by creating a loader as per the instructions given in the article  How to load an exported zip file via LoadFromFile utility in Windchill PDMLink.
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