What’s New > Windchill > > CAD Data Management > Using the Specific As Stored Configuration in Filters
Using the Specific As Stored Configuration in Filters
User Interface Location: Add to Workspace > Edit Filter or Workspace > Edit Preferences > CAD Document Filter
You can now add the as stored configuration of a specific CAD Document version to the filters, even when the as stored configuration’s parent CAD Document is not the initially selected object.
Additional Information
As stored configurations record the precise versions of the child references that were present in the Workspace when a parent CAD document was checked in. Currently, you can only select an as stored configuration in the Edit Filter that matches the version of all the initially selected objects. Now you can set the filter to an as stored of a parent, top-level assembly in the workspace’s default filter or add to workspace to ensure that when you open or add the sub-assemblies or drawings to the workspace, they do not overwrite the desired configuration of the top-level parent. This is useful when trying to evaluate how changes to components will work against the Released state of a top-level CAD assembly.
Related Information
For more information, see following topics:
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