Creating Multiple New Parts
A part in Windchill is a logical database representation of a physical item used to build a product. Physical components can include packaging, product manuals, and software as well as electronic and mechanical components. For more information about parts and their role in configuration management, see Parts and Part Versions.
Multiple new parts can be created in a folder browser or created and inserted into a product structure in a single operation. Use the following procedure to create multiple parts in a single operation:
If your site has security labels enabled, you may see the Set Security Labels step. For more information about setting security labels, see Setting Security Labels while Creating an Object.
Create multiple parts in a folder
1. Select New > New Multiple Parts in the Actions menu at the top of the Folder Contents table.
2. In the Define Part step, select the part Type from the drop-down list. The window is refreshed to display attributes that are unique to the part type.
For descriptions of part attributes, see Part Attributes.
3. Provide values for the displayed attributes. Click Next to continue.
You must choose to create all parts as either end items or regular parts due to differences in attributes such as number.
4. The table in the Set Identity Attributes step provides the ability to specify how many new parts will be created and enter attribute information. The icons at the top of this table provides the following additional actions:
Add Row
Adds a single blank part creation row to the bottom of the table.
Add 5 Rows
Adds 5 blank part creation rows to the bottom of the table.
Remove Selected Row
Removes the selected part creation row from the table.
Edit Attribute Value
Edits the attributes of a group of selected rows in the table. The changes apply to all selected parts.
Set Classification Attributes
Click this icon to classify the newly created parts using the Set Classification window. All parts receive the same classification.
This action is only available if Windchill PartsLink is installed. For more information, see Working With Classification Administration.
5. Click Finish to create all the parts in the table. The Folder Contents table is refreshed to show the new parts.
Create and insert multiple parts in a product structure
It is possible to create multiple new parts and insert them as children of another a parent part from the Structure tab on a part information page. Select the parent part and then select Insert Multiple New from the Insert New menu in the Editing group on the Structure toolbar, or Insert > Insert Multiple New in the right mouse button menu. You can also click the Insert multiple new icon in the toolbar on the Uses tab. The steps are the same as those described above for creating multiple parts in a folder.
The parent part under which the new parts are inserted must be checked out to define the usage relationship. The parent part remains checked out after the operation is complete.
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