Part Attributes
The following table describes attributes related to all forms of parts. Attribute values are assigned to parts programmatically or entered when a part is created or updated. Attribute values are displayed in tables and pages throughout Windchill.
Administrators might define other attributes for a part or part usage link that are unique for your site. Site administrators might also determine which attributes are mandatory or optional and where the attributes are displayed.
Assembly Mode
Identifies whether the part is an assembly or a component.
This field is required when you create a new part and it can be updated. The following options are available:
Separable — The part is an assembly that can be disassembled without destroying it. For example, a mechanical assembly put together with removable fasteners such as screws.
Inseparable — The part is an assembly that, once built, cannot be disassembled without destroying it. For example, a welded metal assembly.
Component — A part that has no child parts.
Assigned Choices
Set of option choices that are assigned to the usage of a part in a configurable parent part.
Assigned Item Expression
Expression assigned to parts or configurable parts.
Assigned Occurrence Expression
Expression assigned to different occurrences of the same part.
Assigned Usage Expression
Expression assigned to usage links of configurable parts.
Authoring Language
Identifies the authoring language used when a part is created. The value of the authoring language cannot be changed after you create a part.
Whether this attribute appears is determined by the Display > Enable Dictionary Translation Display preference in the Preference Management utility.
When a part is defined as collapsible, it is removed from the structure when a variant is generated from the variant structure.
A Windchill part that can have one or more child parts representing designs that satisfy selected option choices or parameters.
Yes — The part is used to organize one or more optional product structure implementations that support specific product capabilities.
No — The part is fixed; it has no optional product structure implementations.
Variant — A variant is a part structure derived from a configurable part using the configuration process.
A variant captures the desired implementation from various possible implementations. In essence, it is the final product of the part configuration process.
The context, such as a product, library, or project, in which the object is stored. For more information, see Contexts Overview.
The date and time when the part was created.
Created By
The user who created the part.
Default Unit/Unit
The unit of measurement applied to the quantity of a part used by an assembly.
Values include each and as needed along with a number of volume, length, and weight choices in the English or metric system.
End Item
The top assembly part in a product structure that is manufactured and delivered to customers.
End items are identified with the end item icon .
Find Number
An attribute used to cross-reference a part in a product structure with the same part in an assembly drawing.
Gathering Part
Identifies a part that is not manufactured, but is created to facilitate the CAD design by acting as a “part container.”
Gathering parts do not appear in product structure reports such as a BOM, and their children are rolled up to the next higher-level assembly in the product structure tree.
Inclusion Option
Indicates the optionality of the configurable part being used.
If the inclusion option is blank, the part is always used. If the inclusion option is set to a boolean parameter, the part is used only when the boolean parameter is set to the value true in a configuration session.
Last Modified
The date and time when the object was last checked in.
Life Cycle Template
The template that determines the life cycle process used for the part.
Line Number
The position of this part within a manufacturing bill of materials (BOM) in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
The context and folder in which the object currently resides.
Lists the coordinates specifying the location and orientation of parts within an assembly.
This optional attribute can be displayed on a customized view of the Occurrences table for parts with units set to each.
Maximum Allowed
Maximum and minimum number of immediate subparts that a part must have after the filtering process. This is enforced only when using the Configure and Reconfigure actions in the variant solution page.
If a part in the filtered structure violates the prescribed range, the system shows a warning and prevents you from creating a variant.
Minimum Required
The text identifier for the part. The name does not have to be unique.
The unique numeric identifier for the part. This attribute might be automatically supplied by a standard part number generator when parts are created in your system.
Numbers might also be transferred from CAD data when those parts are created by a checkin operation from a CAD workgroup manager.
Organization ID
The globally unique organization identifier associated with the part.
Whether this attribute appears is determined by the Display > Expose Organization preference in the Preference Management utility.
The name of the business entity (usually a company name) to which the part belongs.
The parent part of the selected part. This field is blank if the selected part is the root part of an assembly.
PDM Checkout Status
If the part is checked out to a project from a product or a library, then this field indicates where the part is located in the PDM system and who checked it out.
The quantity of the part used within the assembly.
Windchill allows a maximum of 14 significant digits for the value of the Quantity attribute. When the number of digits entered exceeds 14 significant digits, then the value is rounded or changed to scientific notation.
Quantity Option
This attribute is used with the Inclusion Option attribute to control the quantity of a child part in a variant.
If the quantity is a fixed value (for example, 5), then that quantity is set on that child in the variant.
If the quantity is a parameter, then the value of that parameter is used to set the quantity of the child in the variant.
If the child part is excluded through the Inclusion Option attribute, then this value is not relevant.
Reference Designator
An alphanumeric code used to identify individual occurrences of a part used within a product structure.
The code can be entered as a range separated by a dash (for example, R1 — R3), or individually and separated by commas (for example, R1, R2, R3).
Reference ID
Indicates the alias given to a child configurable part that should be used if you want to refer to parameters in that child part or in any of its descendants.
This attribute is not necessary if the parameters of the part or any of its descendants are never explicitly referred to in the parent part.
Indicates where the part is acquired.
Make — The new part is made internally.
Buy — The new part is purchased externally.
Buy - Single Source — The new part is to be purchased externally from a single source.
The current life cycle state of the part. For more information, see Setting the State of an Object.
Identifies whether the part is checked in or checked out. For more information, see Object Status.
Stop Effectivity Propagation
Setting this attribute to Yes causes any effectivity assigned by part structure propagation to stop at this part. That is, no effectivity is assigned to any version of this part or its children.
Whether this attribute appears is determined by the Enable Sibling Propagation preference in the Preference Management utility.
Team Template
The team template associated with the part. The template identifies the cross-functional group of users responsible for the part.
Trace Code
Indicates whether manufactured copies of a part are traceable by a serial or lot number.
Lot — The system tracks the individual manufactured copies of the given part by its lot number. It is assumed that all physical parts in the lot are basically identical since they are created in the same manufacturing run.
Lot/Serial Number — The system tracks the individual manufactured copies of the given part by its lot and serial number. It is assumed that all instances in the lot are basically identical since they are created in the same manufacturing run. However, unlike lot number tracking, the enterprise assigns an individual serial number to the part as well as a lot number.
Serial Number — The system tracks individual manufactured copies of the given part with a serial number.
Untraced — The system does not track individual manufactured copies of the given part.
Translation Name
Translated attribute for Name. The value displayed is influenced by the user’s Windchill Language Configuration. For more information, see User Language Configuration Settings and Translated Text Display.
Whether this attribute appears is determined by the Display > Enable Translation Dictionary Display> preference in the Preference Management utility.
All parts in Windchill are created from a standard or customer-created part type.
Windchill supplies a common part type. Added Windchill solutions include additional part types. For example, Windchill Supplier Management includes the Manufacturer Part and Vendor Part types. Your site might create unique part types with unique attributes for specific purposes.
Usage Attributes
Attributes on usage link between a selected child part and the next higher assembly part. For more information, see Editing Usage Attributes.
The revision and iteration of the part. For more information, see Object Versions.
The view associated with the part. Product structure views allow different manufacturing company departments, such as design or manufacturing, to see the same product structure components in hierarchies unique to their functional role.
When you create a new part, you can select a view from the drop-down menu or select a blank option for no view.
Windchill Aerospace & Defense Part Attributes
The following attributes are only available if Windchill Aerospace & Defense is installed:
The globally unique organization identifier associated with the part.
Whether this attribute appears is determined by the Display > Expose Organization preference in the Preference Management utility.
Contract Number
The contract number for which the part was created.
Job Authorization Number
The project that authorized the creation of the part.
The program phase authorizing the development of the part.
Windchill Supplier Management Part Attributes
The following attributes are only available if Windchill Supplier Management is installed:
Manufacturer ID
The manufacturer for parts of the type Manufacturer Part.
Vendor ID
The vendor for parts of the type Vendor Part.
Windchill MPMLink Part Attributes
The following attributes are only available if Windchill MPMLink is installed:
When set to Yes, this attribute identifies a part that is not physically assembled and stored but is created to facilitate manufacturing processing.
Windchill Service Parts Part Attributes
The following attributes are only available if Windchill Service Parts is installed:
Indicates whether the part can be serviced.
Service Kit
Identifies a part as a service kit. A service kit can includeindividual parts that make up the kit.
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