Download Confirmation for Security Labeled Objects
When a user attempts to download the content of an object that has a standard security label value applied for which download acknowledgement has been enabled, a download confirmation window appears. This window contains a message, determined by your site, that specifies the conditions the user must agree to prior to downloading the content. For example, if the object contains information that is company-private, perhaps a user is required to have a corporate proprietary certification to gain access. If the object has multiple security label values applied, a download confirmation appears with the conditions for each of the standard label values for which download acknowledgement has been enabled.
A download confirmation window is shown under the following conditions:
The object type is configured for download acknowledgement. Currently only a delivery can have a download confirmation.
The object has a standard security label applied.
Download acknowledgement is configured for one or more standard security label values applied to the object. For more information, see Step 5 Define Download Acknowledgement-Optional.
The user attempting to download the content is one of the download acknowledgement participants specified in the configuration. Possible values are
None: The download confirmation window is not shown when any participant attempts to download the object.
AllAuthorized: The download confirmation window is shown when any authorized participant attempts to download the object. This applies to both authorized participants for the security label value and to participants authorized through an agreement.
AgreementAuthorized: The download confirmation window is shown when a participant authorized through an agreement attempts to download the object.
If a user accepts the conditions stated in the download confirmation window, their download is audited by the Security Label Download Acknowledgment event. For more information about this event, see Service Events. For more information about enabling auditing, see Configuring Audit Event Recording.
If a user declines the conditions, the download confirmation window closes and the download action is canceled.
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