Step 5. Define Download Acknowledgement - Optional
Optionally, you can define a download confirmation message to appear when a user attempts to download a delivery object with content that has at least one standard security label applied. Currently, the message only appears when a user attempts to download the content of a delivery object. Download acknowledgements for other types are not supported. To define your download acknowledgement key and message text, complete the following steps:
1. Navigate to the following source file:
Where <Windchill> is the installed location of your Windchill solution. If you are using a different locale, find or create the corresponding RBINFO file for that locale.
2. Copy the securityLabelDownloadAckResource.rbInfo file to the following location:
3. Open the copied securityLabelDownloadAckResource.rbInfo file in a text editor.
4. For each download acknowledgement message, add the following lines:
<KEY> is the download acknowledgement key that will be specified in the securityLabelsConfiguration.xml file.
<LOCALIZED_MESSAGE_TEXT> is the confirmation message that will appear in the user interface.
<COMMENT> is the optional comment describing the purpose of the message.
For example, the following lines would be added for the sample configuration:
LNS_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the terms of the
state export license.
LNS_DownloadAck.comment=State export license user acknowledgement

LNC_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the terms of the
commercial export license.
LNC_DownloadAck.comment=Commercial export license user acknowledgement

PRV_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the company policy
for private content.
PRV_DownloadAck.comment=Private employee user acknowledgement

INT_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the company policy
for internal content.
INT_DownloadAck.comment=Internal employee user acknowledgement

MPRV_DownloadAck.value=I have read and agree to the company policy
for company most private content.
MPRV_DownloadAck.comment=Company most private employee user
5. Save and close.
6. From within a windchill shell, run the following command to build the resource bundle:
For a Windows system:
ResourceBuild wt.access.configuration
For a UNIX system: wt.access.configuration
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