Configuring the Adapter for Dynamic Web Service URLs
The server URL used for connecting to the web service is hard-coded in the client JAR file via Web Service Descriptive Language (WSDL) used to locate a web service. You do not have to specify the server URL anywhere to run the Software Build Tools client application. In other words, the client JAR files downloaded from a server can invoke the web services on the same Windchill server even without a server URL. If you do not have multiple Windchill installations with the same web service, skip the rest of this section.
You can configure the Software Build Tools client to work with dynamic web service URLs. For multiple Windchill installations, you can manually specify a URL address to connect to your client that can communicate with a common web service deployed on each installation.
To work with dynamic web service URLs, the same web service (RBMWSCoreService) must be deployed on the appropriate Windchill server machines. Use any of the following commands based on your requirement:
To use the same JAR file to work with the RBMWSCoreService service deployed on a different Windchill server machine using the argument wt.webservice.url, use the following command. This command does not create a new client JAR file.
java —Dwt.webservice.url=http://host/Windchill/servlet/RBMWSCoreService —Dwt.webservice.user=wcadmin —Dwt.webservice.password=wcadmin —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar [arguments]
To create a new client JAR file based on the argument targetJar, use the following command. If you do not provide targetJar, the clientJar file is overwritten. The new JAR file can be used as a client to the RBMWSCoreService service deployed on the given host machine.
java —jar webservices-support.jar —clientJar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —targetJar RBMWebServiceCore_new.jar —wsdl http://host/Windchill/servlet/RBMWSCoreService?wsdl
The JAR file created connects to the same WSDL on the specified Windchill server.
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