Integrated Software Management
Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software provides a centralized product life management platform that allows companies to develop and manage both hardware and software product components using integrated product configuration, life cycle management, and change management processes.
Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software provides seamless access to software artifacts, such as software executables, source code, and software defects, that are typically contained in remote systems specialized for software development.
In addition to being a centralized repository for software-related artifacts, it integrates the assignment and monitoring of software tasks within an overall product development process.
Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software offers a suite of components, adapters, and interfaces that can be easily deployed, configured, and integrated with third-party applications. Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software adapters connect Defect Tracking and Software Configuration Management systems with a centralized enterprise system, while the interface to Windchill Integration for Software Build Tools allows you to store and track software deliverables, developed in software development environments, in a central location alongside other product deliverables.
For more information, refer to the following topics:
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