The LinkBuildToDocs command associates a software build object with a document. An iteration bump is created for the software build object. The objects associated in the document are obtained by querying the software build.
Command-Line Syntax
java —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —ServiceName LinkBuildToDocs —ContainerType —ContainerName —BuildObjectName —BuildObjectLocation —DocumentType —DocumentName —DocumentLocation [—DocContainerType] [—DocContainerName] [-Revision]
Name of the container.
Name of the software build object.
Location of the software build object in the specified container.
One of SWDocument, SWBuild, or SWConfdata.
Name of the document.
Location of the software document or the software configuration data objects in the specified container.
One of LIBRARY, PRODUCT, or a PROJECT. If you do not specify the container type of the document, the container type of the software build object is used.
Name of the container. If you do not specify the container type of the document, the container type of the software build object is used.
Build revision ID. If no revision is specified, the latest iteration is used.
Configuration File Template
To associate a software document at Test Folder with a software build object of build revision A at Test Folder in GOLF_CART container of a product, type:
java —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —ServiceName LinkBuildToDocs —ContainerType PRODUCT —ContainerName GOLF_CART —BuildObjectName TestSWBld3 —BuildObjectLocation Test Folder —DocumentType SWDocument —DocumentName TestSWDoc1 —DocumentLocation Test Folder —Revision A
On command completion, the version of TestSWBld3 is incremented.
To associate a software document at Test Folder in TestLibrary container of a library with a software build object at Test Folder in the TestLibrary container of a library, type:
java —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —ServiceName LinkBuildToDocs —ContainerType PRODUCT —ContainerName GOLF_CART —BuildObjectName TestSWBld3 —BuildObjectLocation Test Folder —DocumentType SWDocument —DocumentName TestSWDoc1 —DocumentLocation Test Folder —DocContainerType LIBRARY —DocContainerName TestLibrary
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