Error Codes for LinkDefectToBuild
A code 08xx xxxx represents an error for the LinkDefectToBuild command. The following table lists and describes specific error codes:
Error Code
0x0800 1000
Failed to Create Related Build Link
0x0800 2000
Association exists between given SWDefect object and SWBuild object
0x0800 4000
Multiple SWDefect objects found for a Defect ID
0x0800 8000
Invalid Defect ID
0x0801 0000
Failed to Create Defect Object
0x0802 0000
Unable to find Defect ID on external DTS
0x0804 0000
Invalid Adapter Name
0x0808 0000
Invalid Link Type
0x0810 0000
Unable to test Defect ID on external DTS (adapter exception failure)
0x0820 0000
Adapter Not Found
Here are some tips to troubleshoot these errors:
Verify that the Windchill server is running.
Verify that there is no previous association of the software build with the defect.
Verify that there exists a one-to-one associativity between the defect and the remote defect.
Verify that the defect-tracking adapter that you are using for associating the software build with the defect is configured correctly.
Verify that you are able to connect to the remote defect-tracking system.
Verify that the remote defect ID that you are referencing exists in the remote defect-tracking system.
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