Arguments for Software Build Tools Commands
Software Build Tools commands use arguments provided at the command line or in a configuration file.
The argument —help is common to all the commands and provides a command usage. You can use this argument only at the command prompt and not in the configuration file. For example, to find the usage of the CreateSWBuild command, type:
java —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —ServiceName CreateSWBuild —help
Arguments for a Dynamic Web Service URL
Use the following arguments for a dynamic web service URL:
User name to access the Windchill server.
Password to authenticate the user name.
URL of the service deployed on a Windchill server.
For example,
http://host:port/Windchill/servlet/RBMWSCoreService ).
If you have not provided user name and password as arguments for a command, you are prompted to do so when the command begins to run.
Type the following command to execute CreateSWBuild using a dynamic web service URL:
java —Dwt.webservice.url=http://i3719:10083/Windchill/servlet/RBMWSCoreService —Dwt.webservice.user=wcadmin —Dwt.webservice.password=wcadmin —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —ServiceName CreateSWBuild <all_the_required_arguments>
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