The AddContentToSWBuild command adds content to an object by querying a URL or by uploading a local file on the disk. User credentials are not required to add content from a URL.
Command-Line Syntax
java —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —ServiceName AddContentToSWBuild —ContainerType —ContainerName —ObjectName [—Location] —Content —Filename [—IsPrimary] [-Revision]
Name of the container.
Name of the object to which the attachment is added.
Location of the object in the specified container.
File content to add to the object. This can be either a URL of the file or a local file on the disk.
Name of the file to be attached to the object.
Either true or false. If no value is specified, it is considered as a secondary attachment.
Revision ID. If no revision is specified, the latest iteration is used.
Configuration File Template
To add primary content to a software build object of name TestSWBld3 in the Test Folder location of the GOLF_CART container by uploading content from a URL, type:
java —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —ServiceName AddContentToSWBuild —ContainerType PRODUCT —ContainerName GOLF_CART —ObjectName TestSWBld3 —Location Test Folder —Content //<web_server>/WCIntClearCaseGuide.pdf —Filename Test PDF.pdf —IsPrimary true —Revision A
To add a secondary attachment to a software build object of name TestSWBld4 in the default location of the GOLF_CART container by uploading a local file, type:
java —jar RBMWebServiceCore.jar —ServiceName AddContentToSWBuild —ContainerType PRODUCT —ContainerName GOLF_CART —ObjectName TestSWBld4 —Content D:\temp\SampleFile.txt —Filename TestTestFile.txt
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