Additional Capabilities > Windchill PartsLink > Managing Access for Windchill PartsLink > Enumeration Access for Non-Administrative Users
Enumeration Access for Non-Administrative Users
You can grant non-administrative users access to manage global enumerations.
You need administrator access to complete these steps.
Use the Participant Administration utility to create a Windchill group to represent enumeration managers. This group is created at the Site level.
It is easier to control user access by adding and removing users to and from a group, rather than defining the access on a domain for each person.
Create a site profile for enumeration managers and add the group you created in the previous step.
This profile allows users to view the Manage Global Enumerations tab.
When accessing the Type and Attribute Management utility, the user only has access to the Manage Global Enumerations tab.
Use the Policy Administration utility to grant users permissions to manage enumeration organizers.
This is done for the Site context’s System domain.
You can configure which actions the user is allowed to perform on an enumeration organizer. However, users in this group can see all enumeration organizers in the system.
Use the Policy Administration utility to grant users permission to manage enumerations.
This is done for the domains where enumerations are configured.
For more information, see Managing Global Enumerations.
Create an Enumeration Manager Group
1. Navigate to Site > Utilities > Participant Administration.
2. Click the new group icon .
3. From the New Group window, enter a name for the group. For information on setting the remaining attributes, see New Group — Set Attributes.
4. Under the Add Members step, click the add icon to open the Find Participant window. For more information on searching for users, see Selecting Participants.
You are not required to add members to the group when you create it. You can add and remove users to the group at any point.
5. Click Finish.
For more information, see Creating a New Group.

Create an Enumeration Manager Profile
1. Navigate to Site > Profiles.
2. Click the new profile icon .
3. From the New Profile window, enter a name for the profile and a description.
4. Under the Set Action Visibility step, locate the Manage Global Enumerations action.
5. Select the Global checkbox.
6. Under the Select Members step, click the add icon to open the Find Participant window.
7. Use the search fields provided to locate your enumeration managers group and add it to the Participant List.
8. Click Finish.
For more information, see Creating a New Profile.

Configure Enumeration Organizer Access Control Rules
All enumeration organizers are associated with the Site context’s System domain.
1. Navigate to Site > Utilities > Policy Administration.
2. Under Domains, select System.
3. Select the Access Control Rules tab.
4. Under Search Results, click the new access control rule icon .
5. From the New Access Control Rule window, select the following options:
Click the find icon to open the Find Type window.
Select com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCOrganizer and click OK.
Enter the name of the group you created under Create an Enumeration Manager Group. As you type, a drop-down list appears.
To perform an advanced search, click More Search Options at the bottom of the drop-down list. For more information, see Choosing Participants.
Applies To
Leave the default value Selected participant.
Depending on the access you want users to have, select the Grant option next to the following permissions:
Read and Create—Create new enumeration organizers.
Read and Modify—Edit enumeration organizers.
Read and Delete—Delete enumeration organizers.
For more information, see the Enumeration Organizer Actions table below.
6. Click Apply.
7. Select the following options:
Click the find icon to open the Find Type window.
Select com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCLocalizablePropertyValue and click OK.
Enter the name of the group you created under Create an Enumeration Manager Group. As you type, a drop-down list appears.
To perform an advanced search, click More Search Options at the bottom of the drop-down list. For more information, see Choosing Participants.
Applies To
Leave the default value Selected participant.
Depending on the access you want users to have, select the Grant option next to the following permissions:
Read and Create—Create new enumeration organizers.
Read, Create, and Modify—Edit enumeration organizers.
For more information, see the Enumeration Organizer Actions table below.
The permissions you grant the com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCLocalizablePropertyValue type affect the permissions available when configuring enumeration permissions. For more information, see the Enumeration Actions table below.
Enumeration Organizer Actions
Permission to Grant
Create new enumeration organizers
Read and Create
Read and Create
Edit enumeration organizers
Read and Modify
Read, Create, and Modify
Delete enumeration organizers
Read and Delete

Configure Enumeration Access Control Rules
You configure enumeration permissions for the domains where you want enumerations to be defined. The procedure to use depends on the responsibility of the users in the enumeration managers group.
1. Navigate to Site > Utilities > Policy Administration. With Single Context selected, click the find icon and search for the context where you want to configure rules.
2. Under Domains, select the domain for which you are configuring rules.
3. Select the Access Control Rules tab.
4. Under Search Results, click the new access control rule icon .
5. From the New Access Control Rule window, select the following options:
Click the find icon to open the Find Type window.
Select com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCEnumerationDefinition and click OK.
Enter the name of the group you created under Create an Enumeration Manager Group. As you type, a drop-down list appears.
To perform an advanced search, click More Search Options at the bottom of the drop-down list. For more information, see Choosing Participants.
Different members of the enumeration manager group might be responsible for separate domains. In this situation, you can select individual participants.
For example, you have three domains: “Marketing,” “Design,” and “Engineering.” You create an “Enumeration Managers” group with three users: Jane, David, and George.
All three users are responsible for the Marketing domain. Add the Enumeration Managers group to the Participant field.
Only Jane is responsible for the Design domain. Add Jane to the Participant field.
Only David and George are responsible for the Engineering domain. You can add them individually, but it is better to create a new group within the Enumeration Managers group.
For example, you create a group named “Engineering Users” that includes David and George. You can edit the Enumeration Managers group to add the Engineering Users group as a member. Add the Engineering Users group to the Participant field.
Applies To
Leave the default value Selected participant.
Depending on the access you want users to have, select the Grant option next to the following permissions:
Read and Create—Create new enumerations.
Read and Modify—Edit enumerations.
Read and Delete—Delete enumerations.
Read, Modify, Change Domain or Create By Move—Move enumerations across domains.
You must also grant corresponding permissions on the LWCLocalizablePropertyValue type. For more information, see the Enumeration Actions table below.
Enumeration Actions
Permission to Grant
Create new enumeration
Assigned domain
Read and Create
Read and Create
Edit enumeration
Assigned domain
Read and Modify
Read, Create, and Modify
Delete enumeration
Assigned domain
Read and Delete
Move enumerations across domains
Source domain
Read, Modify, and Change Domain
Target domain
Read, Modify, and Create By Move
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