Adding and Editing Association Constraints
To add an association constraint, use the following procedure:
You must be in edit mode to add or edit an association constraint. The new association constraint, or changes to an existing association constraint, are not persisted until your changes are saved. Click Done to save the changes and return to view mode, or click Save to save the changes and remain in edit mode.
1. On the Legal Types tab of an object reference attribute, click the add legal type list constraint icon.
The Add Association Constraint window opens. The window is made up of two trees, If and Then.
2. Choose the legal types for each side of the association.
On the If side, choose the driver attribute for the condition from the drop-down list. From the tree below, choose the legal types for the condition.
On the Then side, the attribute being constrained (the current attribute) is already defined. From the tree below, select the legal types for the constraint.
If applicable, select the All Descendants? checkbox next to a type to include all current and future subtypes of the selected type in the association constraint.
3. Click OK to create the association constraint and return to the Legal Types tab.
To edit an association constraint, use the following procedure:
1. From the Legal Types tab, click the edit icon next to the association constraint to be edited. Only New association constraints, those created on the current attributes, can be edited
The Edit Association Constraint window opens, with the current If and Then selections displayed.
2. Make any desired updates to the If and Then trees.
3. Click OK.
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