Attribute Information Page
The attribute information page displays all the details about the attribute, including the attribute properties, default values, attribute visibility, and any constraints on the attribute. It displays in a pane on the right side of the Manage Types window. Open the attribute information page by clicking the attribute name or the view information icon for an attribute on the Attributes tab when viewing a type.
The attribute properties displayed are determined by the attribute type, as well as the data type of the attribute. For more information, see Attribute Properties Reference.
Do not add attributes with the same Display Name to different subtypes. By using different names you can avoid confusion for users when they are adding and displaying attribute values.
Additional attribute properties may be available for some attributes. For example, attributes on the CAD Document subtype have properties for each available CAD application, for purposes of mapping attributes to CAD parameters. For more information, see About Attribute Mapping.
To edit the attribute properties, select Edit from the Actions menu on the type information page to enter edit mode. Edit the attribute properties as needed. Properties with localizable values can be edited only from the Localize window. For more information, see Localizing Property Values.
When your edits are complete, click Done to save your changes and return to view mode, or click Save to save your changes and remain in edit mode.
From the Actions menu on the attribute information page, the Delete action is available for certain attributes. For more information, see Deleting an Attribute.
The attribute information page also includes the following tabs, which allow you to define the attribute:
View and manage the default values for the attribute (if supported).
View and manage the attribute visibility by operation.
View and manage the constraints on the attribute value.
For additional information on how attributes are displayed in the Windchill user interface, see the help topics in the section titled Presenting Information in the UI.
For information on moving an attribute to another type, see Using the TypeAttributeMoveTool Utility.
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