Editing Group Attribute Properties
The properties for an attribute within an attribute layout group determine how that attribute displays in that attribute layout. The same attribute could have different group attribute property settings when it is used in different attribute layouts.
The attribute properties specified on the Edit Group Attribute Properties window override the attribute display properties of the same name on the attribute information page, which in turn override the attribute display settings specified the Attribute Handling category preferences in the Preference Management utility.
Each property on the Edit Group Attribute Properties window includes a Description, providing detail on the impact of setting the property.
For more information on the attribute properties, see the Configuration Points section in Attribute Customization.
Editing group attribute properties is an advanced configuration. Most customers will not need to change the default behavior of attributes within attribute layouts.
To edit group attribute properties, use the following procedure:
1. Select Edit from the type information page Actions menu to enter edit mode.
2. View the attribute layout for which you want to edit the group attribute properties.
3. Click the edit group attribute properties icon next to the attribute in the attribute group display pane to open the Edit Group Attribute Properties window.
4. For each property, enter a property value, or select the desired property value from the drop-down list. Each property includes a Description, providing more detail on the impact setting the property. The property value for a group attribute property can be inherited.
5. Click OK.
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