Type Information Page
Selecting a type in the navigation pane of the Manage Types window displays the information page for the type. The type information page displays all the details about the type, including the type properties, the attributes of the type, and the attribute layouts specified for the type. For certain link types, the relationship constraints defined for the type are also displayed.
The following properties are displayed for each type:
Internal Name
Used to identify the type in external configuration and properties files, such as Info*Engine tasks and other custom code where there is a need to refer to a type. For new types created from the Manage Types window, the internal name is the reverse internet style domain name plus the unique identifier provided during type creation.
In previous releases, there was a separate field to identify the logical identifier of the type. With this release, the name and logical identifier fields have been combined; the Internal Name of the type is treated as the logical identifier for that type.
The internal name must be unique across all types in the system and is limited to 200 characters, with the following restriction: only letters, numbers, periods, and special characters such as hyphen (-), dollar ($) and underscores ( _ ) are supported. Single periods (.) are allowed only inside of an internal name (abc.de), not at the beginning or the end of an internal name (.abc or abc.).
Display Name
The name of the type as displayed in the user interface, for example, on object information pages, tables, object creation and edit windows, as well as in the left pane of the Manage Types window.
Indicates if a user can create an instance of the type.
A description of the type.
The full path (relative to codebase) to the icon image file that represents the type. Images to be used for icons must be located in a directory under codebase/com, for example codebase/com/mycompany/images. The value entered for the Icon property would then be com/mycompany/images/myicon.png. The path can have a maximum of 200 characters. The current icon image is displayed next to the field. Only use images that are 16x16 pixels as icons.
The tooltip text for the type.
Indicates whether a subtype can be created for this type.
Owning Organization
Identifies the organization in which the type was created. This property cannot be edited.
To edit the type properties, select Edit from the Actions menu below the type name to enter edit mode. Edit the type properties as needed. Properties with localizable values can be edited only from the Localize window. For more information, see Localizing Property Values.
When your edits are complete, click Done to save your changes and return to view mode, or click Save to save your changes and remain in edit mode.
Certain property values on subtypes can be inherited from the parent type.
The type information page also includes the following tabs:
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