Adding and Editing Attribute Constraint Conditions
Conditions defined on attribute constraints have no effect in the end-user user interface.
Cascading attributes provide a mechanism to define attributes rules that are dynamically reflected in the user interface. Cascading attribute rules support a subset of the constraint conditions and are available on a subset of Windchill types. For more information, see Cascading Attributes Tab.
The Edit Conditions window allows you to add new conditions on a constraint, edit existing conditions, or remove conditions. Only New constraints, constraints that are created on that attribute, can be edited. Modeled or Inherited constraints cannot be edited.
You must be in edit mode to add a condition. The condition is not persisted until your changes are saved. Click Done to save the changes and return to view mode, or click Save to save the changes and remain in edit mode.
Access the Edit Conditions window by clicking the Add Conditions or Edit Conditions link in the Condition column for the constraint on the Constraint table. If no conditions are currently defined on the constraint, an Add Conditions link appears in the Condition column for the constraint. If one or more conditions are already defined for the constraint, an Edit Conditions link appears instead.
The Edit Conditions window displays the name of the attribute and the constraint for which you are adding or editing conditions. The Conditions table contains two columns: If and Then.
The If column displays the condition.
Each condition is displayed in its own row of the table.
The Then column displays the attribute that is being constrained.
If there are multiple conditions listed in the table, the value of the Then column always displays the same information.
The constraints and conditions are displayed in the following format:
attribute, rule = data
attribute is the name of the driver attribute for the condition (If), or the name of the current attribute for the constraint (Then).
rule is the rule applied for the constraint or condition.
data is the data specified for the constraint or condition. For conditions that have multiple options as their data, such as enumerations, legal value lists, or suggested value lists, the data displays as a list. For long lists, the initial ten items display, followed by an ellipsis ( ... ). The complete list is only viewable when editing the condition.
On the Edit Conditions window, click the new condition icon to add additional conditions. To remove a condition from the table, select the condition and click the delete icon .
You can edit the condition data by clicking the edit icon next to the condition in the Conditions table. An Edit window opens allowing you to edit the data for the condition’s constraint rule. Only the data can be edited; to change the rule or driver attribute, you must delete the existing condition and create a new one with the desired rule or driver attribute.
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