Shared Team Information Page
The shared team information page is a collection point for information related to the shared team. The information page is accessed by clicking the information icon on the Shared Teams table.
Shared team information pages are only accessible to organization or site administrators.
From the information page, you can perform actions on a shared team, as well as view the object attributes and any related information.
For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in a menu at the top of the page. These actions are the same actions listed in the row-level actions menu of the Shared Team table.
The Details tab is viewable on the shared team information page. The details tab lists attributes for the shared team and displays the Members table, which allows you to modify the team roles and membership. You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Administrators may have modified the tabs that are viewable to you.
Shared Team Attributes
The shared team icon and name of the shared team are displayed at the top of the page, as well as the following attributes:
Description of the team.
Owner Name
Name of the owner of the shared team.
Last Modified
Date the team was last modified.
Creation Date
Date the team was created.
Indicates whether the shared team is enabled.
Extend Team in Context
Indicates whether the shared team can be extended locally. See Defining a Team.
The text used when inviting users to join the shared team. The invitation message is only used when the shared team is used in a project or program context and new members are added to the shared team.
To modify the shared team attributes, use the Edit Team action. See Editing a Shared Team.
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