Using Profiles and Action Visibility for Roles
Profiles define which parts of the user interface (for example, actions, contexts, and attributes) are visible to a user, group of users, or the users of an organization. Site and organization administrators can create profiles on the Organizations > Profiles page. For information on creating profiles, see Creating a New Profile.
The use of the configure actions for roles icon disables the use of the profile settings for any members who have profiles and are members of the roles in the context. The profile settings affected are those that relate directly to the application context. For example, assume the following:
User Chris Taylor has a profile assigned that hides the Create Folders action in all application contexts and hides the global View Search action.
Chris Taylor is a member of the Designer role in a product context in which the Create Folders action is not hidden through the use of the configure actions for roles icon for the Designer role.
Then Chris Taylor is able to see the create folders action when in this product context, but not in any other application context. The user profile remains in effect for the other application contexts in which Chris Taylor is a member and for all global actions. Therefore, Chris Taylor cannot see the Search link.
To restore the use of profiles in an application context, click the restore profile settings icon . This icon is available from the Members table on the application context Team page. Clicking this icon removes any configuration done through the configure actions for roles icon for the members in all context team roles.
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