Basic Administration > Managing User Participation > Teams > About Configuring Action Visibility by Role
About Configuring Action Visibility by Role
You can choose to show or hide actions for specific roles to provide a focused set of information and actions to suppliers, partners, or users who may be infrequent participants. By hiding actions, you can conceal confidential and competitor information. In addition, the viewable information can be focused on specific areas, which avoids confusion caused by inapplicable actions and information. For example, you can limit the actions available to those in a Consultant role so that the users in the role can only view information.
The configure actions for roles icon allows you to configure the visibility of actions based on the participants' role in an application context. If a user is a member of multiple roles in a context team, then the visibility of actions for the user is determined by combining the visibility of the actions in all the roles. If any of the roles allows the action to be visible, then the user can see the action. For example if a user is member of both the Designer and Reviewer roles and the Reviewer role hides the Create Folders action, but the Designer role does not hide the Create Folders action, then the user is able to create folders.
The actions that can be configured are dependent on the application context from which the configure actions for roles icon is launched. For information, see Actions that can be Configured.
Selecting to configure one or more roles configures all roles in the context, as well as any role that you add to the team in the future. The Team Members column in the Configure Actions for Roles table is used for configuring actions all roles added in the future. For example, assume a project team has the following roles:
Project Manager
Also assume that you select the Consultant role and configure the actions for the Consultant role so that members in this role can create documents, but not change existing documents in the project. After you click OK to save the Consultant role configuration, the following role configurations are used:
Project Manager -- uses the default visibility configuration for this role.
Members -- uses the default visibility configuration for this role.
Guest -- uses the default visibility configuration for this role.
Designer -- uses the default visibility configuration for this role.
Reviewer -- uses the default visibility configuration for this role.
Consultant -- uses the saved visibility configuration that was set in the Configure Actions for Roles window.
Team Members -- uses the saved visibility configuration that was set in the Configure Actions for Roles window.
If you later decide to configure actions for the Designer role, then both the Designer and Team Members configurations are updated to reflect your changes. The other roles continue to use the configurations that were in effect after the initial configuration.
When a context team has both a shared team and local team, and a role is in both the shared team and the local team, then configuring actions for the role in the local team also affects the shared team members in the same role. For example, assume the following:
The shared team has a role named Reviewer.
The local team also has a role named Reviewer.
Using the configure actions for roles icon , the local team Reviewer role is configured to hide the Create Folders action.
Then the Create Folders action is hidden for the members in the Reviewer role on the shared team as well as the members in the Reviewer role on the local team. For information on how shared team and local team roles are used, see Managing Participants in Shared Teams.
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