Select Attributes to Add—Adding a Reportable Item
Selecting Reportable Item from the add drop-down list on the Select or Constrain tab launches the Select Attributes to Add window. The Select Attributes to Add window displays a standard tree view of the attributes for the table selected from the drop-down list at the top of the window. The tables in the drop-down list are those tables added on the Tables and Joins tab. Multiple attributes can be selected at one time using CTRL + click.
The icon in front of a node in the tree indicates the kind of item:
—indicates an actual column in the database.
—indicates an object, also known as a derived attribute. Derived attributes are obtained by constructing Java objects for each result and then calling an appropriate get*() method. Derived attributes cannot be used within criteria, as arguments to database functions, or in sub-select queries.
Once a reportable item (column or object) is added to the Select or Constrain tab, it can be edited.
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