Properties (Query Builder)
The Properties tab is where the details of the report template are defined, as well as setting certain report template behaviors.
Property Name
The report template (saved query) name as it appears on the Report Templates table. The name can contain no more than 200 characters, and must be unique within the context in which it resides.
The report template description, which displays on the Report Templates table.
A description is required if the Use as a Join Model checkbox is selected for the report template.
Created On
Date on which the report template was originally created.
Modified By
User who most recently modified the report template.
Modified On
Date on which the report template was most recently modified
You can also set certain behaviors for the report template:
Checkbox Name
Expose As Report
Select to expose the report template as a report object in Windchill. After a report template has been exposed as a report, an additional field is displayed: Exposed As Report followed by the name of the report.
This option is not available if Use as a Join Model is selected.
Once Expose As Report has been selected and the report template saved, it cannot be undone. The report now appears on the Reports page with the same name as the report template it was exposed from. The report name can later be edited.
Add Time to Date Fields
Allow time to be entered, as well as date, in date fields in the Report Builder for this report template.
Available for use with Advanced Search
Allow this report template to be selected as additional criteria when performing an Advanced Search.
This option is not available if Use as a Join Model is selected.
Use as a Join Model
Make this report template available for use as a join model when adding tables and joins on new report templates.
If Use as a Join Model is selected, then a Description is required.
This option is not available if Expose As Report or Available for use with Advanced Search are selected.
Case Insensitive
Causes user-entered criteria for this report template to be treated as case insensitive when filtering the results in the report output. Strings entered in the Criteria tab, or on Criteria pane of the Report Builder, are used to search for matching results without regard to the case of the specified strings. For example, when this property is selected, the following values are considered equivalent: wheel_axle, WHEEL_AXLE, and Wheel_aXle.
For new report templates, the default for this property is determined by the setting of the Reports > Query Builder > Case Insensitive Default preference.
For existing reports which have been upgraded, this property is cleared (false) by default.
For reports that have been loaded or imported, the property is set to the value specified in the load or import file.
Eliminates duplicate rows from the query results.
If Distinct is selected, then Bypass Access Control is automatically selected and disabled (it cannot be cleared).
Group By
Groups the report results based on common values. Selecting this checkbox specifies an SQL query that aggregates rows with identical values into groups and executes aggregate functions on the rows in these groups.
If Group By is selected, then Bypass Access Control is automatically selected and disabled (it cannot be cleared).
The Group By operation is performed directly in the database on table column values. As a result, using derived attributes in a query on which Group By is selected can produce unexpected results.
Derived attributes are computed in the Windchill application server after the corresponding object is retrieved. If Group By is selected, the grouping occurs at the database level on the objects unique ID, rather than on the attribute value which is displayed in the report results.
There are cases where including derived attributes produces useful results. If the grouping is based on an object, instead of on the value of the derived attribute, then it is useful and valid to use derived attributes with Group By selected. For example, a query that joins parts and related documents could group by the part object and include an aggregate function that counts the number of related documents. Such a query is grouping based on part objects, so it would be valid to include derived attributes from the Part table.
Bypass Access Control
If Bypass Access Control is selected, there is no restriction on the material returned in the query output. If the checkbox is unchecked, the information returned in the query output is subject to existing access controls. This field is not available when building a sub-select portion of a query.
Access to this field is controlled by a comma-delimited list of privileged groups in the wt.query.template.unrestrictedGroups property in Out-of-the-box the value for this property includes only the "Administrators" group.
This field should only be used if absolutely necessary. Without access control, users may have access to data from which they would otherwise be restricted.
Expand the Additional Properties section to view and set the following properties for the report template.
Property Name
Resource Bundle
Specifies a Java resource bundle used for localizing column names for the report template.
Displays the folder location path of the report. To change the folder location, modify the folder path. If an incorrect folder path is entered, an error displays when the report template is saved. If no Location value is specified for the report, the default cabinet of the current context is assigned when the report template is saved. The current context is the context from which the Query Builder was launched.
Custom Action Model
Allows you to replace the standard action model on the results returned for the report in Report Builder with a custom action model.
A custom action model is only valid if the Main Type is set for the report template. For more information, see Setting a Main Type on a Report Template.
Custom Input Page
Specify a codebase relative path to an HTML page to use for prompt inputs on report generation, instead of using the Report Builder.
If a custom input page is specified, additional output format properties are available:
Standard Select from a drop-down list of standard report formats: HTML, HTML (with merging), HTML (with sorting), HTML (with sorting and merging), CSV (Comma Separated Variable), PDF, or XML.
Custom Specify up to two XSL style sheets to apply in series to the query result.
Ask Upon Generation Defers the format selection until the report is generated.
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