Query Builder Maintenance Dashboard
The Query Builder Maintenance Dashboard provides the ability for administrators to perform one-time or temporary actions on report templates. These actions include upgrading a report template from the QML used before Windchill 11.0 to the new QML, and in some cases undoing the upgrade. The dashboard also provides functionality to validate the QML of report templates against the current database schema, and to view the last run date of a report template.
The Query Builder Maintenance Dashboard is accessed by clicking the View Maintenance Dashboard icon on the Report Templates table. This icon displays only when the Reports > Query Builder > Maintenance Dashboard preference is set to Yes in the Preference Management utility. For more information, see Preference Management.
The Query Builder Maintenance Dashboard displays all report templates residing in the context from which it was launched. Report templates from parent contexts are not displayed. Enter text in the Filter table field to find specific report templates. Select individual report templates by clicking the table row, or use CTRL+click or SHIFT + click to select multiple rows. Select the checkbox in the top left corner of the dashboard to select all rows in the table.
Report templates created in older versions of Windchill are automatically upgraded to the current QML format, using the standard upgrade mode, when they are accessed for the first time, either by viewing the report in Report Builder, or editing the report in Query Builder. Using the Query Builder Maintenance Dashboard is not required upgrade report templates.
For each report template, the following information is displayed in the table:
Column Name
Report Template Name
The name of the report template as it appears in the Report Templates table.
Indicates whether the report template is using the current QML format. Yes indicates that the report template is using the current QML, No indicates that it is not using the current QML.
Eligible for Upgrade
Indicates whether the report template is eligible for upgrade. Yes indicates that the report template is eligible to be upgraded to the current QML format, or that it has already been upgraded. No indicates that the report template is ineligible for upgrade. Upgrade is not required for report templates created using the current QML.
Date Upgraded
The date and time when the report template was upgraded to the current QML format. This value is blank when the report template has not been upgraded, the upgrade has been undone, or the report template is not eligible for upgrade.
Date Last Modified
The date and time when the report template was last modified in the Query Builder.
Date Last Run
The date and time on which the report template was last executed. This can be useful in determining if report templates have been used recently, or have not been run in some time and can be considered for removal.
From the Query Builder Maintenance Dashboard you can take the following actions:
Upgrades the selected report templates to use the current QML format. If a selected report template is already upgraded or is not eligible for upgrade, it is ignored. If multiple report templates are upgraded at the same time, and any upgrades fail, the failed report templates remain unchanged, while the successful upgrades complete.
Report templates created in older versions of Windchill are automatically upgraded to the current QML format, using the standard upgrade mode, when they are accessed for the first time, either by viewing the report in Report Builder, or editing the report in Query Builder.
The Upgrade in Legacy Mode and Upgrade in Single Date Mode checkboxes allow you to tailor the upgrade mode. Select one or both checkboxes, and click Upgrade to perform the upgrade in the selected mode or modes. For more information, see Upgrade Modes for Query Builder Report Templates Authored Before Windchill 11.0.
Undo Upgrade
Reverts the selected report templates to the old QML format. If a selected report template is not upgraded or is not eligible for upgrade (it was created using the current QML format), it is ignored.
If the report template has been modified after it was upgraded to the current QML (the Date Last Modified value is later than the Date Upgraded value), the upgrade cannot be undone.
Validate QML
Validates the QML of selected report templates against the current database schema. This is especially useful for report templates that were authored in older versions of Windchill and have been upgraded to use the current QML format, or when moving to a new Windchill release.
Only report templates that have already been upgraded to the current QML format, or were created using the current QML format, are validated.
If the QML is valid, a success message is displayed. If the QML is not valid, an error message displays detailing the invalid QML items. Invalid QML items include classes or attributes that no longer exist. If more than three report templates have invalid QML, only three individual detailed error messages display; the remaining error messages can be viewed in the method server log file.
Load Application Data
Loads any new application data for use by the Query Builder. Application data includes the following:
Content for the help and information links displayed for types in the Select Types to Add window on the Tables and Joins tab
Java methods
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