Create New Attribute Filter Expressions
Use the following steps to define an attribute structure filter:
1. Click the Edit Filter icon in the Structure tab toolbar. The Edit Filter window is displayed.
2. Select the Attribute Filter tab.
If no expressions have been defined the Attribute Query Expression window is immediately displayed for defining new query expressions. If attribute queries have been previously defined they are shown in the expression table in the Attribute Filter tab and you must click the Add button to create a new attribute query expression.
3. Use the drop-down menu in the Type field to select a part type to include in the attribute query expression. Part types that appear in this field include standard Windchill part types and additional part types defined by your system administrator. Attribute filtering expressions apply to the selected part type and its sub types.
Attribute filtering expressions written for a selected part type will only return parts of that type and sub types even if the same attribute name applies to other part types in the part structure.
Part types for which no attribute filtering expressions have been written will always be displayed in the part structure.
4. Use the drop-down menu in the Criteria field to select the attribute to filter by. The available attributes are dependent upon the type selected in the Type field. The attribute list includes standard Windchill attributes and those created by your system administrator. Attributes preceded by the link icon are defined on the usage relationship between an assembly part and its children. A partially completed attribute query expression appears beneath the Type and Criteria fields.
You can make more than one choice from the Criteria menu prior to completing the attribute query expression. All choices appear as individual comparisons in separate rows. Expressions can be deleted by clicking on the remove expression icon. For more information about using multiple comparisons in a single attribute query expression, see Using Multiple Attribute Filter Expressions.
5. Select an operator from the drop-down menu to the right of the attribute. The list of operators depends on the attribute selected for the comparison and can include one or more of the following:
Equal to
Not equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Not Set
The attribute value is not set, its value is blank.
6. Enter an attribute value to the right of the operator.
Text values are case insensitive. Use wildcards for text entries (* for a multiple character match and ? for matching a single character) in the value field to include a larger number of matching parts.
Some attributes require the selection of a choice from a drop-down menu. For example, the Source attribute requires a choice of Buy, Buy — Single Source, or Make.
Other attributes provide the ability to search for a value by clicking a find icon. For example, the Created By attribute provides the ability to search for a user.
7. Click Apply to display the query expression in the Attribute Filter tab and continue defining query expressions using the Attribute Query Expression window. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to define additional query expressions. For more information about using multiple attribute query expressions in an attribute filter, see Using Multiple Attribute Filter Expressions.
Click OK to display the query expression in the Attribute Filter tab and dismiss the Attribute Query Expression window.
8. Click OK to dismiss the Edit Filter window and filter the part structure.
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